Friday, December 1, 2017

Sexualizing Children in 2017

W Magazine has decided to put Millie Bobbie Brown on their "Sexiest Women Alive" list. There is a huge issue with this. She is 13 years old!!!
This got me thinking though. What about the others? What about Dakota Fanning? What about Brooke Shields? Why is younger better in the eyes of men? (Not all, but quite a few.)
Brooke Shields had nude scenes in a movie when she was 12 years old. She was playing the role of a prostitute. This role was "critically acclaimed." The movie was "Pretty Baby." Then, when Brooke was 14, she had a modeling contract with Calvin Klein. The slogan of that advertising campaign was, "You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing." She said this in a way that had a purpose. To sexually entice. To make Calvin Klein's brand sexier. At 14 years old, she did the movie "The Blue Lagoon." Brooke Shields has nude scenes, but later says that older body doubles did the nude scenes. A good chunk of this film is about teenagers discovering sexuality.
Then, there's Dakota Fanning. She was the sweetheart of cinema for many years. This is until the movie "Hound Dog" came along. Now, this movie is about an abusive relationship from the beginning. But then, to get a ticket to see Elvis, a teenage boy rapes her. This is not sexualization to me. This is more about abuse. But many critics stated that they were shocked that Dakota's parents would let her do the scene when she was a mere 13 years old. Dakota shot back to her critics, "It's not really happening. It's a movie, and it's called acting."
Then, at 19, Dakota did a advertising campaign for Marc Jacobs. These ads were "deemed sexually provocative" and banned in a lot of countries. 19 is a very young age, but in the United States, this is considered "adult," and she can make her own advertising campaign choices.
Children learn the word "Sexy" so young these days. They fill the need to be "sexy" when they are 4 or even younger. 
How old were you when you first started hearing the word "sexy" as a descriptor for a person? I was probably around 4 or so years old. That creates an impact on a child's life.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Thoughts on Life

Maybe I should write a memoir. People would be shocked! Heck! I WOULD BE SHOCKED! LOL! I was listening to today's Darrin Daily, and he was talking about his "New York Times Best Selling Book," and I thought, "Hmmm, maybe I should write a book!" These random thoughts are brought to you by not enough sleep for the person working 3 jobs! :-)
Honestly, I don't think I've been doing enough reading lately. Maybe I should start with doing more of that! 
In just a few short weeks, I will be on vacation. I need the vacation!!! I need rest, a pool, a theme park, things like that!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Self Doubt

I've been working on growing my Mary Kay business while working two other jobs.
I have goals that I am setting that are personal AND professional.
The number one goal is:
TO HAVE A BABY!!! This is where I want to go with my life this year! I want to have a baby before my 40th birthday! I have ONE YEAR to do this!
My professional goals are this:
I want to become a sales director in Mary Kay by January. To do this, I will need to add around 23-28 active team members!
In doing this, I will be able to make Mary Kay my full time profession.
My first small goal is to wake up early enough every morning to put on my make up.
This is an extreme struggle for me!!! I've been watching videos about how to wake up in the morning. So far, nothing has worked for me. I have also been trying to get to bed earlier, but yet, I can't seem to fall asleep before 1am or later.
I need to be more productive at my day job.
I end up having a lot of distractions at my day job. I need to keep myself consistent until January. In December, I will re-evaluate how this is doing.
With these goals, I have had some self doubt issues. I am normally a positive person, but the last two years with the infertility issues have been severely harsh on my psyche. Since my body can't make a baby happen naturally, my mind says I can't do anything else right either. Health, business, job, etc.
Every so often, my brain says, "You can't do this. You are crazy to even fathom those types of goals!"
I usually try to to "shake off" these thoughts and feelings, but some days, it's hard to do!
I am sick of being a "slave" to my 9am-6pm job. I have other goals that I need to accomplish in my life.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Emily is Leaving...

One day, I get an invitation to a wedding of an acquaintance, more likely because I know his mom and not because I was that close to him. I RSVP'd, and a thing happened. I met his wife at the wedding! We basically became instant friends. She started messaging me through Facebook about the Indy Adult Show Choir and wanting to join. Then, she did join us.
 Emily is the most thoughtful and dedicated person I have ever met! We have some of the same struggles in our lives. We bonded not only over music, but the facet that we both needed support to get us through things in our lives.
She's now moving to Austin, Texas, because her husband got a job. I'm to the point where I think, how am I going to survive without her here in the same city?!?!? We basically talk every single day, and saw each other if not almost every other day. Last night, as we were packing the truck for them to move, my thoughts were more like denying that Nate and Emily were leaving. They aren't moving!!! It's all a dream! I am not a crier, I mean, like barely ever. People may look at that as stoic or something. Well, more than anything, I'm dying on the inside!
Emily and Nate, I want to wish you safe travels!!! I love you guys SO MUCH!!! This is going to be such an awesome experience for you!!! You have each other, and that is so important!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Why I would have Marched

The Women's March/Peaceful Protest is NOT about "Killing unborn babies" as some of you keep saying.
It's about a woman's right to sexual health care or health care in general. It also includes reproductive rights.
What if religious individuals decide to take it upon them to decide that it's NOT ok to get fertility treatments? I've been told by one individual already, "That's interfering with God's Plan!!! If he wanted you to have children, you would have already gotten pregnant!!! God will make this happen when you aren't even thinking about it!"
I believe that God created science for a reason. I would have been dead a long time ago without it!
I will need medical assistance to get pregnant, and God has provided the science to make that happen!
Also, I think about having a baby 24/7! So, I'm never going to stop thinking about it!
I choose to believe in science to make this happen!
For the woman out there that is on birth control, because her life depends on it! NOT because trying to avoid pregnancy!
For the women and men out there that don't have anywhere to go to get tested for STD's and HIV/AIDS.
For the women that don't have insurance, because ACA/Obamacare just got hacked, and they don't have anywhere else to go now for Pap smears and other testing. (You do know those help catch whether women have cancer early, right?)
For the women and men out there that need sexual education, because they have only received "Abstinence Only" education from School/Home/Church.
I'd be careful with all of you women out there saying, "This march has nothing to do with me! I don't get it!"
The women that came before you worked so hard with their blood, sweet, tears, and LIVES to make sure you live a comfortable life! You are taking this for granted! Get educated before you judge! And to all of you out there that keep saying, "They're all BABY KILLERS!!!" You better check yourself! Women are losing their rights to health care during pregnancy when you get rid of clinics like Planned Parenthood!
Planned Parenthood SAVES LIVES!!!
Unless you are going to open a nationally known clinic that does all of the things that Planned Parenthood does to SAVE LIVES, you have no right to judge!
Pro-Life also includes AFTER THE CHILD IS BORN and ADULTS! So, don't complain about Welfare for Children. A lot of people out there insist a baby is born, but then, don't want to make sure the child doesn't starve to death afterward!
I support all women, but some of you are very judgemental about things you know nothing about!
You would be surprised how many women, even religious women, have to go to Planned Parenthood for health care, because they cannot afford to go anywhere else!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Be the change!

I'm not a "Can't Even" type of person. In fact, it always drives me INSANE when someone says, "I can't even."
You can't even what? Please, enlighten me!
In the next 24 hours, I know a lot of people out there are feeling the "I can't evens."
Take time to pray for, send positive energy, light a candle, whatever it is you CAN do to help the things going on in this nation.
On top of that, in the next 4 years, do something to create a positive change on this Earth! Join a music group or something artistic. Find a group that supports something you believe in and join in the fight. That group doesn't have to be religious. It could be a group fighting for basic freedoms for everyone. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or women's shelter.
Donate money to organizations that are going to need it! (Planned Parenthood, Women's Shelters, LBGTQ Groups and Youth Groups, Suicide Prevention Organizations, Arts Organizations) Write your Senators and Congress people! Make sure they know, WE ARE THE PEOPLE THEY ARE REPRESENTING! NOT THE BIG CORPORATIONS WITH MONEY!!! Stop shopping with the big corporations that buy these Senators and congress people!
On top of it all, it may be hard to not gripe, complain, and feel love for others that may not have the same opinion as us. But we need to be the example. Be the leaders that show others that WE CAN!!! I challenge every single one of you to go out and DO SOMETHING POSITIVE!
Tomorrow, go forth with love and a positive attitude that YOU CAN! YOU CAN MAKE THAT CHANGE!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Baby Making is Expensive! Thoughts on Infertility

Why is your way to get a baby better than mine?
Now, you may ask, why would I ask such a question! Well, I know lots of women that are in the same situation I am. They cannot get pregnant without help. Well, if you didn't know, fertility treatments, In Vitro Fertilization to be exact, run in the $17,000 range in Indiana. And that's just for the first try, with a maybe 60% chance of getting pregnant.
On top of that, if we decide to adopt instead of fertility treatments, private adoption is in the $35,000 range.
So, why do women get so defensive in the way we get the money to do it?
I decided to sell Mary Kay to start earning more money to go towards this goal.
When I told one women who had done fertility treatments, "Hey, I've started selling Mary Kay to help us earn the money towards IVF!" She said,"Why don't you do a Gofundme instead?" I had another person tell me, She took out a loan at the bank to have her twins. When I told her about the Mary Kay, she refused to even answer my messages!
I feel judged. They may not be able to buy Mary Kay right now, and that's fine. But why the shadiness? Why not just say, "I'm sorry. I can't buy right now, but good luck on your journey!" I know these women did other things like, sell baked goods they personally made. (Not really legal without a "Roadside Stand Certification" in Indiana.) Yes, I didn't buy any, but I did wish them luck, and gave love and support on their journey to getting a baby.
I'm selling a legit product, legally, and working towards a goal.
I do love these women. I want them to be successful on their journeys.
I'm not going to take out a loan that I have fear of looming over our heads for years, and there's a chance that the baby won't even happen on the first try. I don't want to beg people for free money. Trust me. I have supported the women that do this by making donations. I'm not judging their ways. This just isn't the way I want to accomplish our goal.
Why do I feel I'm being judged for my choice?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

That time Jen and I additioned for a TV Show

My freshman year of college, or first year, however you want to look at it, Christmas Break was a new construct full of excitement! First, my friends and I were going to see Rent at a theater in downtown Chicago.
Jen and I spent the night with our friend Amie. Then, the next day, we went to Chicago and auditioned for a TV show.
I don't know how Jen found this information, but she did! We went. We were like the 2 country bumpkins in the big city, I mean, almost. It was the first time Jen had ever really driven in the "big city." The sad thing is, I don't remember much about the audition experience, just that it happened. I wore a striped turtle neck sweater and my hair in a pony tail. We had a great time together! 
The memory is very faint, but I was watching Youtube videos about people auditioning for this, and it came back to me!
Maybe Jen can remember more about this than I can. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Xanga Posts

- - Pechin6's Xanga Blog 1.1 - 1056963 Pechin6's Xanga Site pechin6 - Pechin6 Pechin6 - Bi or Tri? Monthly Update Pechin6 Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:32:49 -04:00 -

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

If it's Yellow, Let it mellow...

If it's brown, Flush it down.  I don't know why this saying is stuck in my head.  I originally heard/Saw it on Six Feet Under, Season Two.  I think it's all the discussion about saving water, and making the apartment communities water bills lower.  (I personally think it's discusting, because I have a cat.  What if she decides to drink out of the toilet?)

I bought a dress today at Target for $7.  That's about an hour of pay at Verizon...  I couldn't get the zipper zipped in the dressing room, because it's to long... or my arms are too short. Whatever.  SO, I decided when I got home to leave it zipped and put it on.  I worked, but now, I don't know if it will come back off...

After work today, Jen called and asked if I wanted Qdoba.  She rocks, because she treated.  Then, we walked over to Cingular/ATT Wireless next door, and the manager talked our ear off. It was kind of funny.  I just wanted to start looking at phone options, because I'm supposed to get the upgrade in a couple months. Well, I guess the upgrades are all going to change at the end of June, so, He told me to come back then.  (My upgrade isn't really until the end of July or beginning of August.) But he really wanted to tell us alot about cell phones! LOL

Then, Jess called with some sad news, so, we met at Target.  Then, we went to Starbucks.  I got up to the counter, and I couldn't decide what I wanted.  Then, I mentioned to the girl that I had given it up. She said, "Oh, for a new years resolution?"  I said, "Sort of."  She said, "Well, you can always get the light ones..." and "or you can get it with the low fat milk."   I said, "Well, that's not the only reason I gave it up.... I gave it up because It's too expensive."  She said, "OH, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume...."  She was embarassed.  I just laughed.  I told her I wasn't offended.  I ended up spending almost $4 on a drink that lasted two minutes.  That makes me sad.  I could have had a WHOLE HAPPY MEAL!  LOL.  I enjoyed sitting and talking with Jess too.

Now, I'm home, and OBVIOUSLY wide awake!!! (Another reason to give up Starbucks!)

Currently watching :
Six Feet Under - The Complete Second Season
Release date: By 06 July, 2004

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Sunday, June 10, 2007


I wrote this last night, but Cyber space ate it. Thanks myspace!

Thursday: I worked the Brad Paisley Concert, with Kelly Pickler, Taylor Swift, and George.... some guy that I can't remember.  (It was awesome! I got paid to go!)

Friday: I went to the ISO with special guest Joshua Bell. He was AMAZING!  (Thank you for the Tickets, Will!)

Saturday: I saw Pirates 3 with Jen for $4!  It was actually REALLY GOOD! Plus, you have to stay until the credits end to see the end of the movie. 

I watched the last 4 episodes of season four of Buffy last night. Maybe it was 5 episodes....

Today, we are going to Lafayette to take my mom out for her 74th Birthday.

Currently watching :
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Collector's Set (40 discs)
Release date: By 01 August, 2006

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Random Thoughts

Let's see. 

Cake is good.  I love it.  The band... and the food. 

Emily: yesterday "landed" was playing while i was at work, and i was like, "i am surrounded by Ben Folds and cake and buttercream icing. it's heather's paradise!"

I'm crocheting a blanket, and it's coming along quite nicely. 

I'm going to post my soccor cake in my cake pic section...

Tomorrow, I'm eating at Max and Erma's at 7pm if anyone wants to join me.... *the Castleton location.

Currently listening :
Songs For Silverman
By Ben Folds
Release date: By 26 April, 2005

10:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Week's Events....
Category: Blogging

Here's a Run down... So Far...

Monday:  Went to the Dr.  Got my A1C done. (3 month tally of Blood sugar for Diabetics... things they can do these days.)  Went to BK for breakfast.  Went to work. Was about tenish minutes early.  Treated wierd by one of my coworkers because I was early.  (It was only freakin' ten minutes. Get over it!)  Got off work.  Went to WZPL for a listner pannel with a bunch of women... most with children.  They had subway.  I thought they were going to have pizza... at least that's what I was told.... I was sad.  Came home.  Watched "Heroes" finally.... I heart "Heroes" and Hiro.... Went to bed...

Tuesday:  Got up and went to work.  Got to work and realized there was a grease stain on my shirt.... (I was so excited that I got the pants to match it over my butt... I forgot to check the shirt.)  Was for warned that my performance review would be first thing Wednesday morning.  Talked about the fact about how most of the WZPL listner panel had children. A certain coworker BLEW UP and said, she can't believe parents are so selfish to not change the CHANNEL!  Which wasn't what I said... I had said, they did change the channel when it got in appropriate to radio Disney or something.  She still continued to blow up.  argh.... After work, Jen brought me Taco Bell and we watched American Idol. (Thanks Jen! You Rock!)  Then, I ended up talking on the phone through  Law and Order: SVU, so, I taped it.  Went to bed.  Rehearsed with Mel on the phone how to respond during the performance review.  (Last one didn't go so well. I pretty much cried for three days.) 

Wednesday:  Got up. Ate breakfast.  Went to work.  Was on time, but previous said coworker asked me a random question I had no real answer for.... got a comment from boss about being late for my Review.... Review went pretty well.  I survived... is all I keep saying.  I'm never going to make enough money to support myself... anyway, got the same lecture about how my dress is improving but this isn't college... I just wish he would tell me WHAT TO FREAKIN' CHANGE!!! I'm not a mind reader!  Well, not really.... came home.  Made a steak in the oven and a baked potato.  Watched American Idol's Finally.  Went on a yarn search at Walmart.  Left without buying anything. Talked to Mel. Went to bed.

Thursday:  Got up. Ate Breakfast for the second day in a row.  Went to work.  Came home.  Got my A1C results back.   DOWN TWO POINTS!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! That's amazing.  Yay for the miracle drug!!! Decided to go on the yarn search.   Found the yarn at Meijer.  Bought a few different colors. (Not that I needed more yarn... but I might be wiped out after this blanket.)  Stopped at Stake'n'Shake to spend my measly raise for the week.... Got home in time to watch, "So, you think you can dance!?"  I love this show!  I'm so excited that the new season is starting.  Don't expect to see me anywhere on Wednesdays and Thursday for a while.... not that that's any different than usual.  Crocheted for a LONG TIME... realized the one yarn I needed is a thicked texture than the old skeen.  Oh well. 

Last Friday, I was baking a pizza and touched my arm on the oven rack.  It hurt worse today, six days later, than it has the rest of the week.  I was busy last weekend.  I baked a cake for Ross and Shelly, which I will post pictures of soon!  Went to three "Pitch Ins."  At the last one, the comment was made by C. Rose and Vic that I was "Pitched" out!  or something to that effect.  LOL I also barrowed Pirates of the Caribbean 2 from Rachel, because I hadn't seen it yet.  It was pretty cool.  Jen gave me Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Memoirs of a Geisha.  I still have to watch Geisha.  OK.... That was really long!

At Shelly's, the screen door was shut and I TOTALLY slammed into it because I didn't see it.  It was HILARIOUS!  I'm still laughing.  Kassie totally fell off the back of the couch today.  I laughed EXTREMELY hard at that too....

I love Mary and Nigel on, "So, you think you can dance?!"  and Nigel said the most hilarious thing tonight... but now, I can't remember what it was.... If I remember, I'll have to write it down. 

Currently listening :
By Regina Spektor
Release date: By 08 March, 2007

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Monday, May 14, 2007

The Weekend

Well, my weekend went pretty good, aside from a set back or two.  Friday, I went to Partylite Leadership training.  That was an awesome good time.  It made me feel like people had faith in me, even when I don't myself.  (Wow.)  Saturday, went to Robin's for a show without guests.  Went to Bloomington.  That was fun.  Just hung out and knitted.  Bought lactose free ice cream for Milk shakes.  Burnt some brownies because it was dark and I thought Hope's oven said BAKE... It said BROIL. Oops. 

Last night, I had the worst Tarantula Nightmares... to the point of waking myself up and taking a while to get back to sleep.  "To dream you see a tarantula, denotes disagreeable prospect for health or for pleasure. Will be disappointed in a love affair."

 Hmmmm.... OK.

Today, Emily started her training for her new job. Hope, Michael, and I went to the greenhouse to pick out the garden.  Then, we came home, made Layered taco dip and ate it.  I totally passed out for a while in front of Hope's TV.  Then, went to pick up Em.  Came back, burned stuff in the yard.  I think I destroyed a next of ants.  Ate cooked out corn and steak, with pasta salad.  Watched my shows, and then, drove home.  Now, I should go to bed, but I'll probably read for a bit first.  I just realized everything has turned red after the quote and I'm too tired to fix it.  

Currently listening :
Every Breath You Take: The Classics
By The Police
Release date: By 11 January, 2005

10:26 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Pretty much feeling like a failure this evening, so much that I can't sleep.  I think I'm going to have to get a third and a half job for this summer. This is so frusturating. I had a pretty good day today hanging with Robin.  She basically bought me dinner, thanks to Chic-fil-a coupons, it was basically a dollarish. 

How does one that pretty much follows all the rules:  No cable, no real "going out," I don't ever rent or go to the movies, living two miles from work to save on gas.... I really don't want a roomate.  I hate roomates... most of the time. (Except you JOSH!)  What am I going to do....

Any secret millionaires out there with a job for me, where they can pay me what I'm worth?  I guess it's time to go update my resume on Monster jobs or something.

10:52 AM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Well, today is Cinco de Mayo, which I am deaming... DAY OF NACHOS... (probably not appropriate at all.)  I went to the store last night and bought nacho supplies.  I brown my meat, shredded my cheese, and cut up my tomatoes last night.  I had my first batch right after midnight.  I'm going to have my next batch at about 10:20 this morning. 

I'm so glad I start my new "second" job tomorow. It should be fun!  Plus, I'm going to get paid to do what I've done many times in college for free.

I've actually started working on another goal for the year.  I applied to Hal Leonard this week for Copy Right permission for a few of the songs I want to use for my arrangement.  I think at show choir camp, for the whole 24 hrs I'm going to be there this year, (that makes me extremely sad. But family is coming, so, I must visit.)  I'm going to need to find as many arrangers/composers that I can and ask them how they got started in the business.  I've been around these people for three years, and I've never taken the time to do that.  Caitlyn said they would probably honored if I asked them.  So, I'm going to! Maybe if they or I don't have enough time to talk in that 24hrs, I'll get their email addresses or something, and ask that way. Now, I've taken the first step, and I have a plan. YAY!

I went to Peter and Mindee's wedding reception last night. That was pretty fun.  I saw Jillian, whom I haven't seen since, oh, you know, High School or something.  She had a six month old baby who was pretty cute.  I sat and talked to sister Larson for a while.  That was interesting.  Got invited to a random baby shower.... OK.  Hopefully, they will have cake if I decide to go.  Ya, I am totally obsessed with cake. I'm actaully supposed to have a Partylite party that day with Robin!  YAY! 

Learned some interesting news last night.

OK, now, I want to see Spiderman 3, but I am too poor to go.  Anyone want to take me? 


Currently listening :
Duets: An American Classic
By Tony Bennett
Release date: By 26 September, 2006

8:06 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, April 30, 2007

Weird dreams...

So, once again, Ive had a dream about learning Ive (the stupid ive isnt working on this keyboard. sorry.) had a baby months afterward. Its very strange. I looked it up on It says, If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses.
Hmm... well, ok.  I mean, I have had this dream twice now, kind of spread apart.  How strange, and it was even to the point this morning, that I randomly found the baby in the car and nobody was taking care of it.  Child services was called on me, and they were taking it away.  Kind of frustruated.  Not good sleep.
I don't know why the apostrophe wasn't working a minute ago, all the sudden, it's fine.  Strange.
I've been in Bloomington since Friday. I've done loads of laundry. I watched Edward Scissorhands with Michael. I don't ever remember watching this all the way through, before. I went to hear Bob Jones, the Coat Hanger Fiddle player. My mom, brother, and sister and I went out to dinner at the office lounge and Kareoakeing on Saturday night. That was a good time.  Oooh, Saturday, we also went out to see Michael's orchestra play for ISSMA. Sunday, I hung out with Hope.  Mowed part of the lawn.  Watched tv.  It was kind of relaxing.  Today, I'm just hanging out, watching cable.

Currently watching :
Edward Scissorhands (Full Screen Anniversary Edition)
Release date: By 21 May, 2002

11:04 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A few thoughts

Some people are extremely stupid, especially if they're going to be interviewed on TV/ National TV and in Indiana.  So, the New Castle riots made national television.  This woman (On WTHR, which is the local NBC affilliate. made a comment along the lines of, "Those poor people from Arizona are living here so far away from their families. Of COURSE they are going to get upset!" Ummm.... isn't it called PRISON for a REASON?!  I think they, being the prisoners, lost their rights when they CHOSE to get themselves there.  Duh.  Let's see.  There's a news story in Indiana.  Let's pick the most uneducated person in the city and put them on TV! I understand that is was a "medium" security prison, but come ON!  They already get to go outside and play.  I DON'T EVEN GET TIME TO DO THAT BARELY! They get it every day probably. 

In other news, I got a digital camera for FREE by using Freecycle!  ROCK ON!  Now, I need to go places to use it!  The Freecycler even left the memory card in there. I don't know if that was on purpose, but that still saves me 15 to 20 ish dollars! 

I think I'm going to have to get a 3rd job.  I don't have orientation for Verizon Wireless Center (HUGE CONCERT VENU, for anyone who might not be from Indiana and reading this... )  until May 6th. I'm way too poor. 

I'm starting to loose my oomph!

Currently reading :
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
By Gregory Maguire
Release date: By 06 November, 1996

10:16 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit -

2007-06-12 23:32:49 2007-06-13 03:32:49 open Publish post 597322245 - - 1 2007-10-16 08:27:00 2007-10-16 12:27:00 Anonymous 0 -1 0 1378856818
- Three Month Update... (Slightly Long) Pechin6 Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:28:01 -04:00 -

My sort of Uber list Update....
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

My sort of Uber list.

Here is my list of my goals for 2007: (Some of these will be repeats of last year, but well worth keeping on here! (It's turning into my sister's Uber List.)

Loose more weight: Buy a key to the Apt complex workout room.

So, far 13lbs.... mostly due to the miracle drug.... lol.

Play more DDR to help loose the weight.

I have played a couple times, but not enough to be consistant yet.

See Ben at least twice

I'm going to try to work the Ben/John Mayer concert for Deer Creek... where I just got a job. (Job #2. But heck, it's free concerts!)

Eat healthier in general. 

My blood sugar is starting to do extremely well on the new miracle drug.  I get to get my A1C in a couple weeks here.

Get more out of debt. Maybe find a debt councilor to help me.

Ya. I'm screwed.

More excersize. (Like I said, More DDR!)

I'm up to at least once a week.  Now, if I could make it two to three times.

Get a better sleep schedule.

Not yet.

Get rid of more stuff. 

Ummm... .well, I joined Freecycle. Now, I just need to start putting things on it. ( to find out more. It's an antilandfill group.)

Shred junk mail the second I walk in the door.

I am getting it in the trash within in the day.  That is getting better!

Revamp my fish tank.  This thing is turning into a constant goal.  Fish always poop. Lime scale always happens.

OK, did the tank cleaning and THREE fish died. argh!  If I'm ever not as poor, I will go buy some more fish. 

Start giving voice lessons.  Any one need a lesson.  My fist couple students I'll start at a very good price.

Still need students. Any volunteers?

Practice music more often.  Singing, Piano, directing, Violin, ect.

I am doing more with the church choir.  We have some extremely talented people!

Amaris had something like this on her list, and I liked it, so, I'm going to steal it! "~Make some career decisions,growth/workload/financial"

I got a second job for the summer.  I wish it paid more.... Maybe I'll get a third.

Make some strides in my Partylite business.  If any body wants to Host, please tell me!!!

I have a show with Doug on Wednesday. If any one needs anything or wants to go to see what it is, give me a hollar!

Get my office area organized.  Maybe even moved to a different part of my apartment.

Well, my dining room is now an office.  Not quite perfect, but Improving.

Start doing more Singing gigs, hopefully PAID!! *know of someone getting married? PLEASE recommend me. To start, I will be pretty inexpensive.

Sang for SAI a few times. (Free...) Still need more of these.

Buy a shelving unit to get my music corner organized.

Still working on this.

Get my craft/knitting area organized. (This includes finishing or getting rid of not finished crafts.)

Did finish a few unfinished hats.  Still need to figure out how I want to do this.

Crafts:  Finish three Blankets.  20 Hats.    10 Scarves. Learn how to make two new things with crocheting or knitting.

Made five hats this week. Might Finish the sixth tonight.

Enroll in a class:  Dance or Crafts, or something.

Not yet, but went salsa dancing last night at church and we had a "lesson" there. Too bad I already knew what I was doing.

Attend more social gatherings. (Kareoakeing, Dances, Parties, ect.)

Went to the Salsa Dance last night by myself.  I have been working really hard at this.  Dinners (eventhough I'm really too poor) Concerts.  Moe and Johny's. I'm getting there.

Arrange at least once Choral Medley that is going on in my head, even if that means I have to ask someone for help.

Still in my head.

Get rid of all the shoes that are worn out or don't fit me right. (This might take some help from Emily, Hope, or Robin. I have a hard time judging these things.)


Actually take a real trip somewhere, maybe visiting a family member towards the west or something.

Not yet.

Take better care of Kassie and  (Get Kassie her shots and skin care.)

Like I said, only two fish left. To poor to take Kassie at the moment.

Audition for Two shows.  (One of those being for Scott, who is doing Parade. I hope I didn't miss that. I guess I better look that up.)

Auditioned for Scott (Parade.) Didn't get a part, but that's the first time I've auditioned for something in about five years or more.

OK, I'm going to stop adding things now, If I have forgot anything, I'll add an ademdum later.


9:36 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Horoscope

Daily extended (by
Hang on tight, because your creativity is about to skyrocket! Today you'll be able to find multiple ways to add more fun, color, music and beauty to your life with little (if any) effort. Pay attention to things that confuse you, because each of them offers something you can use to create something new. Your mood will stay bright and positive throughout the day -- and no one will be able to deter you once you have a goal in mind. (Yahoo)

Too bad nothing is creatively challenging at my job... (I'm basically doing crap work right now.) maybe I'll figure something to be creative about tonight. Hmm...

Currently listening :
Electric Avenue
By Eddy Grant
Release date: By 18 September, 2001

4:54 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Quick update!
Category: Blogging

OK, I admit it... I did laugh... a chuckle at least.

This is hilarious...okay, it will at least give you a little giggle.

Go to

--Click on Maps.

--Click on get Directions.

--From New York, New York

--To Paris, France.

--And read line # 23.

If you laughed then re-post this


OK, so, from there, Easter went very well.  Ten people in my teeny weenie apartment, no killing... TONS OF FOOD!  It was great!  Four Cadbury Cream eggs... they have to last me a year. Maybe I should freeze them this year. I only have three left. Dang.

The last couple nights, I've had extreme weather nightmares... (Looking at the radar, it was entirely RED, not multi colored. And tornadoes.) and of course, today, six Tonadoes in the area.  What can I say, I'm still psychic!  LOL. Sort of... aside from the freaking out and pannicing in the dreams, and only having slight panic today.

I have turkey left. That makes me pretty happy. 

Two miracles in two days.  One was, I was praying for money to just show up in the mail box, (which I know I really shouldn't do, but I did.) and low and behold, a dividend check was there today. I almost cried.  To bad I have to give it right back to the company it came from to pay them this month. 

I should finish my taxes. It sucks that I OWE a bunch of money, for no reason.  I'm still mad at my company for not taking enough money out.  Yet, if they did, I wouldn't survive. I can't survive on what I'm being paid anyway.  "Everyone" says, a roomate is the answer. Well, it's not. Roomates and I don't end well.  It's rare when we do.  (Love you JOSH! Still moving in this direction?)  I really just want to live BY MYSELF!  Honestly, I want to not do dishes when I don't feel like it, or not clean my room.  I don't want to have a roomie until I'm married. (Had weird dreams about that last night to. What does that mean?) 

I love "Malcom in the Middle" and "Scrubs."  It sucks that the reruns are on too late at night!

10:52 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, March 16, 2007

Any body looking for a place... In Los Vegas?

My niece and her husband are moving in the northward direction, so, they are trying to rent out their absolutely gorgeous brand spankin' new house. If you're interested here's the link:

It was just cool for me to see the house, since I've never been there before. I know. I'm like the worst aunt ever. But I'm also extremely poor.... Sorry.

10:13 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Collecting My Thoughts
Current mood: blah

So, Kelly came to visit me this last weekend.  It turned out to be the busiest weekend ever!  Friday night, Hope came, and we went on a Walmart run.  Then, Kelly got in around 11 ish.  We all talked till about 3am.  Saturday, Hope left.  Kelly and I got up, and got ready, finally leaving my apartment around noon thirty ish.  We ended up at Applebee's for lunch.  Then, we went to visit Doug.  After that, we went to the SAI recital.  It was AMAZING!  Then, we went to Half Price Books. (Kelly works at one near Chicago.)  Then, we came home so I could change my shoes.  We went by the girls' night for church.  Then, we went Kareoakeing.  (I had a head ache for all the time after the recital.)  We had to sit at the bar because it was so busy.  These two random guys started talking to us.  It was hilarious.  Then, we went to Denny's, where my head ache was quickly turning into a migraine.  Then, we came home and crashed.

Sunday, woke up kind of late.  I had to sing at a nursing home church service.  That was awesome!  They (the people) were so cute!  A woman turned 103 YEARS OLD! That was pretty cool!  Plus, Greg is one of the most Talented pianist/accompanists I have ever worked with!

After the service, I gave Kelly a quick tour of Indy.  When we drove by the zoo, the momma and baby elephant were walking by the fence!  Awesome!  Then, we went to Broadripple, ate at Baxbeaux pizza, and then, walked the strip.  It was so beautiful outside.  At bazbeaux, the server was the same server that we had for Jen's birthday.  I totally remembered him, and that he had gone to Bonaroo.  So, I brought it up.  He asked if I was going this year.  I said, "Um. No."  LOL. I'm way to poor.  But when we left, he said to come back and see him. That was nice. 

It was very awesome to see Kelly.  I have been very exhausted for the last few days.

I have had headaches pretty much every day since Saturday.  It has sucked.  I think it's the weather.

Tonight, I had a headache, so, I fell asleep at around seven, and slept till ten.  I finally decided that I was starving at 11 ish.  So, I went to Taco Bell/Pizza Hut.  I got a personal Pizza, Bread sticks, an Epannada, Cheesy Potatoes, and a Mexi-melt.  It was over nine dollars.  THEN, all I ate was the bread sticks and one piece of the pizza.  Uhhuh, now, I have lunch and dinner for tomorrow.  Well, it's starting to thunder... so, I'm gonna go....

11:10 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, March 09, 2007


The nurse did a bad stick this morning.  I felt her miss the vein.  I said, "That was my GOOD vein.  Maybe you should do the other arm."  As she dug around, she told me it was my fault for being dehydrated. I almost hurt her. She finally gave up and did the other arm.  Now, I have a huge bruise and my arm hurts.  The other arm worked just fine.  If I was dehydrated, wouldn't that one have problems also?  argh.

10:41 AM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Free Stuff!

..> ..>
Free Stuff!

So, here's a list of what I've received from my "Sample Experiment."

Always Girl Stuff with a coupon for a free box (Came with a wierd little post it note pad.)

Reynolds Slow Cooker Liner

Travel Size Tube of  Aquafresh Extreme Clean Tooth Paste

.24 oz tube of Definity by Olay

Classic Composer Book/CD Mozart (I don't know where this came from, because I didn't regester for it.  I'm going to include it any way.)

Travel Size Dove Deoderant

Sunsilk Packets of Shampoo/Condition/Product

Tiny Sample of Calgon Vanilla Body scent. (I mean tiny.)

I'm still sad the Texas Hot Sauce has never shown up!  The travel size stuff will definitely come in handy!


10:02 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Current mood: chipper
Category: Food and Restaurants

Debbie said it existed. I was like, ya, sure, Whatever!  But today I actually looked and LOW AND BEHOLD...


Only in vanilla... but I LOVE vanilla!  I also bought cones to put it in. Woohoo!!!

Now, only if it was sugar free...

Sarah's Song "Ice Cream" is fitting!

Currently listening :
By Sarah McLachlan
Release date: By 15 June, 1999

10:29 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Map From Amber
Category: Travel and Places

This will not work no matter what I do. I had to stop because it was making me MAD!

create your own personalized map of the USA or check out ourCalifornia travel guide

I've been to 34 states.  Most were taking are rides and train rides across the country.  I stole this from Amber, my niece. 

9:45 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Hiccup Girl

I had seen this on the today show a couple weeks ago.  This would suck.

Girl's 5 weeks of hiccups finally end

Thu Mar 1, 6:39 PM ET

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - She sipped pickle juice, held her breath, breathed into a bag, even went to a neurologist, but for more than five weeks nothing would stop a 15-year-old girl's rapid hiccups — until they finally just stopped on their own.

..> ..>


After trying countless remedies and attracting national media attention, Jennifer Mee said her hiccups suddenly stopped around 5 p.m. Wednesday. No one is certain why.

"Right now, my nose is burning and my throat hurts," she told the St. Petersburg Times, but she said she felt a lot better than she has in weeks.

Jennifer had started hiccuping Jan. 23 close to 50 times a minute and said it only stopped when she was sleeping.

She saw an infectious disease specialist, a neurologist, a chiropractor, a hypnotist and an acupuncturist. She tried a patented device that is designed to stop hiccups, plus all the old remedies. Her mother called the media two weeks ago to try to find more help for her daughter, who ended up on NBC's "Today" show.

According to the

National Institutes of Health, hiccups can be triggered by anything from spicy foods to stress, and they can start for no reason at all. They're caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, which causes the vocal cords to close briefly, making that distinctive sound.

9:26 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

2200 Times...
Current mood: nauseated

That's how many times my Myspace has been looked at... wow!

The new meds have made me loose 10 ish pounds in two weeks.  Too bad most of that was the gross way.  I miss food.  Last night, Mel compared it to having bariatric surgury.  The thing is, you can choose to have bariatric surgury.  I call it forced bullimia/anexrexia.

Well, only 30 more pounds to go... I guess.

11:25 AM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, February 26, 2007

Interesting Article from Yahoo

I'll make some comments about this later... I just know some people who need to read this, including me.


Branch Out to Find Work You Love

by Penelope Trunk

Very Good (871 Ratings)
Posted on Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 3:00AM

When you look for a job or change careers, what you're really looking for is a way to improve things in your life. But it's hard to figure out what will really make things better and what will only make things worse.

There are some things we all know: People who are in love are happier, and people who are chronically unemployed are less happy. But most of us aren't dealing with such clear-cut extremes.

Most of us ask ourselves on a regular basis, "What's the best kind of work situation for me?" Yes, we're all unique, but in truth we aren't as unique as we think we are. So there are some rules we can all live by when looking for work we'll love.

Liking What You Have

Forget the deep analysis. Our brains are simply not optimized to figure out what we'll like. Instead, they're optimized to figure out how to like what we have.

This helps us on an evolutionary basis: We eat what's available, we take care of whatever kids we get, and so on. It doesn't help us in a job hunt, where we have to guess what we would like if we had it.

Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard, spent his whole career studying this sort of problem and published his findings in "Stumbling on Happiness." Gilbert concludes that we're basically unable to know if we'll like a job until we try it, so self-analysis and market analysis aren't going to get you very far. Start trying stuff.

You don't have to quit your job to try things. Try new stuff on the weekend, volunteer for a project part-time, or ask for a temporary appointment to another department, for example. Be creative in how you learn about yourself. A job change doesn't have to be now or never -- it can be a process.

That said, here are some guidelines you can use for deciding what you're going to try:

• Don't go to grad school for humanities.

You would have had a better chance surviving on the Titanic than getting a tenure-track professorship in the humanities. The competition for these jobs is fierce, and very few corporate jobs give preference to someone who has a master's in, say, early American history.

• Don't be a lawyer.

Suicide is among the leading causes of premature death among lawyers. You can tell yourself you'll be different, but statistically speaking, you probably won't be. And while most lawyers don't kill themselves, this doesn't bode well for law being your dream career.

• Look for control over your work.

You might think that a manageable workload makes for a good job. But stress doesn't actually make for a bad job. In fact, some people do very well in high-stress situations. Some even do their best work that way.

What drives people to burn out is when they work very hard but can't meet their goals. The people most likely to burn out from their jobs, then, are those who are supposed to help children in helpless situations (at hospitals, for example) but can't stop the pain.

Entrepreneurs, however, are known for working 18-hour days, and frequently love their work because they're accomplishing something that excites them.

So the most important thing about enjoying your work, according to Alan Krueger, a professor of psychology at Princeton University, is having control over it -- when you do it, how you do it, and what you accomplish. "People really like to be able to control the thermostat themselves," Krueger says.

• Work where you can find a friend.

If you have one good friend at work, it's a really good bet that you'll like your job, according to a Gallup study published in the book "Vital Friends" by Tim Rath.

Take a look at the place you're thinking of working. Do the people there look happy? Workplaces that promote friendship are more productive, and more fulfilling.

There are a lot of ways to judge whether or not you'll be likely to make a friend at a new job. But one factor we often forget is architecture. Office space that promotes collaboration and taking a moment to say hi is space that is good for making friends.

• Don't work with jerks.

Conversations that are insulting have five times the impact on your day than positive conversations. Unfortunately, we have a great memory for the unpleasant. Daniel Gilbert's research supports this, but Bob Sutton, a professor at Stanford University, specializes in the jerk at work.

Sutton warns that if you work with jerks, you become one. His book gives advice on how to make sure you don't end up working with these toxic people, and his web site gives you a way to test yourself to see if you're a jerk yourself. After all, if you're the jerk, you're going to have a pretty hard time finding an office without one.

Work Life vs. Life Life

As you search for your new career, collecting advice as you go, remember that the stakes aren't as high as you might think. A job is not your life.

Your personal life is your life, and your job supports that. The people who are most overwhelmed with career choices are the ones who think a career makes a life. So don't be afraid to try a lot of options, and don't be afraid to relax a little.

2:41 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Medicine is making me wacky...
Current mood: full

I posted this on my sister's blog.  She is an awesome cook!  This makes me sad.

Feed Me! Feed ME!.... Wait. Three bites I'm full. Five bights I'm puking. Maybe this isn't such a good Idea.  Went to Arby's for lunch with mom and dad. I could only eat the small Cheddar Melt... then, Taco Bell for dinner, one package of the new toquitos... full.... I still have heart burn.  But I stopped, because of all the punnishment I've already been through this week.

I feel like a Super Model who eats one bite of a piece of Cellary and says, "I'm Full!"  Sad...


Well, my sugar is getting better, I guess. You know, when I can get my night meds down and keep them there.

The news kept showing these two little girls who witnessed their mother's death today.  (The article is probably all over ) That was pretty upsetting.  Maybe I should stop watching the news.  It just gets worse every day. 

I think I'm hungry, but the heart burn is getting to me.  I can't take drugs for it because antacids...ect, interfer with my transplant meds.

I finally finished "Mirror Mirror" by Greg Maguire.  He wrote "Wicked."  I just never fell in love with the characters.  Any of them.  His writing is so hard to read anyway.  Very wordy.  If people thought "Wicked" was hard to read... ya, that was nothing.  In fact, this being the fairy tale of Snow White, it didn't really make sense.  I guess the mythical elements just didn't become that important to me, like the tree of life and it's apples, the dwarves, ect.   He also tried to incorporate real historical figuires of that time.  Maybe that made it "too" real.  Next I'm going to read a Jennifer Weiner book, "Little Earth Quakes." ... she's a pretty easy/fast read. 

Currently reading :
Mirror Mirror: A Novel
By Gregory Maguire
Release date: By 28 September, 2004

11:28 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, February 19, 2007

New Sickness
Current mood: sick

What is wrong with me?  It started last night.  I woke up with stomach issues, and they've continually gotten worse since then.  I don't know if I'm sick from my meds or if I have the flu or something.  I took my temperature this morning and it was fine.  I took it some time this evening and it was a little more than a degree high.  I called into work and slept all day.  Maybe it's food poisoning from the meat I cooked last night.  I didn't eat very much of it though.  By the time I got it cooked, I wasn't hungry any more.  (Also a side affect of the Byetta.)  I can't call into work anymore.  I'm already up to four days, and it's only February.  I tried to eat a cup o noodles. I didn't eat very much of them, and they didn't stay down.  I hate being sick.  I have to go to work tomorrow. I had a headache too, but I don't think it was one of my normal migraines.  The headaches gone and I'm still throwing up.  I'm just afraid my sugar is going to get too low if I can't get any thing in my system. 

OK. I sware, I was healthy for a couple days in between these blogs. 

I have to go lie down now.

10:20 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, February 09, 2007

Still sick...
Current mood: sick

So, I didn't go to work yesterday or today.  I went to the doctor this morning.  He totally changed all my meds. He gave me an antibiotic also.  Plus, now, I have to start injections of some sort to control my Diabetis.  I feel like there's cement in my nostrals.

So, back to this new injection stuff.  It's called Byetta.  My Sister said:


It's made from the saliva of Gila monsters!  So now
you are in the lizardspit club!

Everything I read about it is good, and it does help
people lose weight. I think you usually only inject
once a day so you can probably do it at breakfast or
on lunch.

I've done injections before.  I had to inject a hormone my kidneys weren't producing before my transplant.  I survived that.  But I only had to do it once a week.  This is going to be twice a day.  Also, I'll have to make a schedule or something, because it has to be down an hour before I eat.  I don't know how that's going to work with my work schedule and all.  With my copay, my bills were over 200 dollars today.  Thank God for my flexcard, because I definitely don't have that money.  I just have to figure out how long my flexcard is going to be good for now that I have to put more meds on it. Argh. 

I still can't breathe, after all the meds I have and sitting over a bowl of hot water with Vaporub in it.  Still no breathing.  I'm supposed to sing tomorrow.  Unless  there is some kind of miracle, it's not happening.  I feel bad, because a few other people have already cancelled.  But if I can't sing, I can't sing.  Plus, I don't want to go be around old people who have weekend imune systems and give them what ever this crap is. 

Kassie is running around the apartment like a maniac. 

I still want to go to the Show Choir Invitational tomorrow, but my body needs to get better!

Oh, and my cell phone's phone book died today. So, If I usually call you and you haven't heard from me in a while, CALL ME!  It's probably because my cell phone ate your number.  At least the lady who fixed it, fixed it for free.  The person I called at the service center said that it would at least be $25. The lady in the store was really nice! 

9:34 PM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ewww... *cough, Cough*
Current mood: sick

I came to work today, but I feel so sick.  I have all of this head congestion, pretty close to what I had at Christmas time.  Yuck... and Curt keeps following me around with Lysol, which I don't blame him... I knew three peole were already not going to be here today, so, I went ahead and came in.  If I could only breath... Plus, I'm supposed to sing in these Valentine's Day Recitals on Saturday.  I'm going to try really hard not to let this hit my chords/throat.  Hopefully old people don't care if I sound like crap or that their hearing is gone. (It's for Nursing Homes.)  I haven't even picked anything out to sing anyway.  I also haven't gotten together with an accompanist...

Yesterday, I was going through some receipts that I had taken out of my purse.  Low and behold, I unwadded a receipt from Jungle Jim's, and there was a brand new crisp Twenty Dollar Bill.  YAY!!! I had never been so excited to see money in my life!!! LOL.  So, do I go by a couple groceries with it?  Or do I save it to got to the Ben Davis Show Choir Invitational this weekend?   I guess I'll see after I get paid tonight. 

I'm so glad I only have two work days left this week! 

No sign of any of my free samples yet. I wish they would start showing up.

11:48 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, January 29, 2007

I love Tobler's Chocolate Oranges...

..> ..>
You Are Chocolat Orange Pocky
Your attitude: funky and flavorful
Rich and deep - yet zingy and zesty
You are the perfect partner in crime

11:19 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Sunday, January 28, 2007

You know You Grew Up in the 80's
Current mood: groggy

  I'm going to add a few of my own comments to these.... plus, I've seen this email go around many times!
> You Know You Grew Up In the 80's if:
> 1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word SIKE.
> Not really one of my favorites, and slightly hurt my feelings when other kids said this to me.
> 2. You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of
> Bel-Air and can do the
> Carlton
> Of course I can.  In fact, I even watched the reruns last year when a local station was showing them.... plus... WILL SMITH was, is, and always will be HOT!
> 3. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom
> I was a devoted "Blossom" watcher!  I wish she was still around.... I even had the ugly flower hats, thanks to my mother.
> 4. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock"
>Down in fraggle Rock *Clap Clap* 
> 5. It was actually worth getting up early on a
> Saturday to watch
> cartoons.
> Ya, thanks to weird things like Discovery Kids and a job, I have no reason to get up when I have Saturdays off.... plus, I've always loved to sleep in.
> 6. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
> Of course I did.... I was cool...
> 7. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail
> day in computer class
> at school.
> Ok, I never really got into this, but I did play it.  I totally liked "Super Mario Brothers" much more.
> 8. You made your mom buy one of those clips that
> would hold your shirt
> in a knot on the side.
> I didn't really get into this fad.  I may have owned one though.
> 9. You played the game "MASH"(Mansion, Apartment,
> Shelter, House)

Still do on long road trips with the girls!!!
> 10. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and
> were proud of it.

Ya, I might have done that...
> 11. You know the profound meaning of " WAX ON , WAX
> OFF"
> Yep...
> 12. You wanted to be a Goonie.
> Dude, I still want to be a Goonie.   I own the movie on DVD!
> 13. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of
> us...head-to-toe)
> It's not called "flourescent" any more... it's called Citrus.  And for me, not just head to toe, car also... (Refer to my pics...)
> 14. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked
> like before his nose
> fell off and his cheeks shifted.

Oh, back in the day... he could sing to...
> 15. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the
> only female smurf.
> Now, I never really pondered this until I became an adult.  But I did wonder why the bad guy had a cat.  Why are cats always associated in a negative way?  Witches... Gargamel...?
> 16. You took lunch boxes to school...and traded
> Garbage Pailkids in the
> schoolyard.
> Never did the Garbage Pail Kids that much, but I loved my lunch boxes.  I have the awesomest Popples Metal Lunch Box. I rock.
> 17. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap
> bracelets.
> Ah, painful, yet still fun!
> 18. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every
> sentence.
> Only after watching Waynes World...
> 19. You thought your childhood friends would never
> leave because you
> exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
> ya, all two of them...
> 21. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes.
> Ya, I had some in college too...
> 22. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept
> saying "I know you
> are, but what am I?"
> I totally have this on DVD!!! I used to laugh so hard, I cried....
> 23. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
> Ya, my grandpa had that button deal... I think he may have really said that when he pushed it!
> 24. You remember going to the skating rink before
> there were inline
> skates.
> I LIVED at the skating ring!  I lived across the street from one for a while.  I even went to Roller Skating Day Camp... (They couldn't call it day care because they didn't have the licensing.)
> 25. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
> I think I may still have a pink skip it at my parents house.
> 26. You remember boom boxes and walking around with
> one on your shoulder
> like you were all that.
> OMG!  I loved my boom box.  I spent hours making up dances in front of the trailer, and apartment after we moved.
> 27. You remember watching both Gremlins movies.
> Now, this movie actually scared me... I didn't watch it all the way through.
> 28. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was
> hot.
> Ya, you know.... before Patrick Harris came out and was Mark on Rent...
> 29. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from
> Melmac.
> Ya, again... he ate cats bringing on the cat negativity.
> 30. You remember New Kids on the Block when they
> were cool...and don't
> even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB"
> I loved them!  I had all of their tapes... I know people who still love them to this day.  One of them, might even right this still.  Two are on my friends list.

> 31. You knew all the characters names and their life
> stories on "Saved
> By The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.
> and that Torie Spelling was a nerdy guest star.
> 32. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT
> argh.
> 33. You just sang those words to yourself.
> Double Argh.
> 34. You still sing "We are the World"
> And we still sell it at work.
> 35. You tight rolled your jeans.
> I was short, so, this actually helped me out.
> 36. You owned a bannana clip.
> But they never seemed to work on my hair.
> 37. You remember "Where's the Beef?"
> What was wrong with that old woman?
> 38. You used to (and probably still do)
> say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
> Too bad the young girl OD'd.  hmmmm....
> 39. You're still singing shot through the heart in
> your head, aren't
> you!
> Tripple Argh!
> THE 80s or Early
> 90s!!!  
>   Just make sure if you pass this on, to take off my comments and add your own!!!!


Currently listening :
The Very Best of DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince
By DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince
Release date: By 06 June, 2006

10:25 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, January 26, 2007

Yay for $5 China buffet!!!
Current mood: blah
Category: Food and Restaurants

Elizabeth and I went to the China Buffet today!  As Elizabeth said, that place was hoppin'!  I ate way too much!  Hopefully, that will curve my China Buffet cravings.  I have to eat in for the next two weeks.  I'm out of going out money.  Hopefully, I'll be able to dig up enough money to go ice skating tomorrow.  (That's the activity for YSA this month.)  If I didn't have a cd addiction, life would be so much better.  I'm part of bmg cd club.  The sad thing is, right now, I have about 20 free cd's I can use.  (That really means about three dollars a piece because I still have to pay for shiping.)  Every time I want a cd, now, they have this Premiere selection thing, where if a cd is too new, I can't get it for free!  So, often, I forget to go decline my monthly selections, which translates into, they autimatically deduct the money from my account and send the cd.  Then, I end up with this cd in my mail box.... and it's so hard not to open it....   The last three FREAKIN' MONTHS, I've opened them.... First, Nelly Furtado... I LOVE THAT CD!  Then, Sean Paul... totally not worth openning, I could have gotten the one song I like on Itunes for 99 cents.  Now, BEYONCE... I love this cd.... or I'm actually playing it over and over.  Now, I'm in a movie club.  I usually remember to decline them.  Also, I will go out of my way to send it back.  GO to the actual post office and hand it to a postal worker. So, my switch of this time was, I could keep Beyonce if I sent back "Over the Hedge."  Now, you might say, "No, not "Over the Hedge!" Ben wrote the music!"  But my mom gave me it for Christmas... well, her's that she had already opened and watched.  SO, that means, the never opened movie that I got some time in the first week of November, had to go back.  Plus, I think the movies are three or four dollars more a piece, so, I'm gaining money on this.  OK, so, what I need to start doing, is must declining everything and waiting for them to become "Free."  That way, I'm only paying three dollars, instead of twenty something.  And now, as I listen to Irreplacable repeatedly...  

Currently listening :
By Beyonc
Release date: By 05 September, 2006

9:36 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Free Samples!
Current mood: restless

This all started when I saw an ad for Herbal Essence? I think is what it was.  So, I went to to see what the deal was.  Free hair stuff.  So then, I decided to play this "game" on google last night. I went to and typed in "free sample."  Then, I started clicking on the web sites to see what I could get samples of.  I can kind of give you a list:

Downy, Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners (Those will come in handy...), Texas Hot Sauce, Oil of Olay (A lotion and some face wipe dealy's.), Lots of faminine products (I'm just going to leave those un-named.), hair stuff, Toothpaste from Aquafresh, I think there might be a few more, but I can't think of what they are. 

Some of the sites lie and say, "Click here for your free samples!"  Then, they take you through this maze of signing up for crap nobody ever wants.  "Please sign up for at least TWO of these AMAZING OFFERS!"  Whatever.  I just wanted to see what I could get samples of.  There was one for degree deoderant that I couldn't get to work last night, that I'm going to try again tonight.  Maybe I can get some free Secret.  That's what I really use.... hmmm.... This project is going to take some more investigating!  I'll get back to you all!  (Whoever might actually read this.  Eventhough my ticker says that 27 have looked at my blog today... )

Currently listening :
By Beyonc
Release date: By 05 September, 2006

11:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How I spent my day off...
Current mood: stressed

Well, since I slept until about two, with having extremely weird dreams, I'm surprised I did anything today.  I decided to get ready during Montel.  He had Sylvia Brown on.  If you don't know who she is, she's this crazy psychic lately, who I love watching!  It's not like I actually believe what she's saying, but just listening the way she talks to people amuses me!  But I had seen most of the episode before, so, I showered.  I put some clothes on.  Then, realized my shirt didn't really fit me.  So, I decided to go on the long shirt mission. (This mission happens about every other month. Sooner or later, I'll have enough long shirts, and have taken the time to through the other ones out!)  I ended up at Old Navy, where I found two, one for $8, and one for $7, and a scarf for $.99.  It actually matches one of the shirts, so, I'm going to become one of those people that wheres their scarf all day just because it matches!  I also found a book that I read MANY times as a young person.  Actually, it's a series of books that I read, but this had them all in one nice hard back cover.  The series was "Stories to Tell in the Dark."  Then, I realized, I never want to sleep, do I?  See, this weekend, I picked up a book at my parents' that I had bought about a Paranormal Psychologist and his tales.  I brought it home.  Laid it down. Forgot about it.  Last night, right before I went to bed, I thought, "Ooh, I could start that book,"  fully knowing that this book freaks me out completely. Just looking at the cover, which is just a girl floating, completely started freaking me out.  I don't really believe in the stuff, but I have the most wild imagination of any one I know.  Basically, I don't just have nightmares and night terrors, I have daymares.  The ones where I'm still absolutely awake, but start imagining things are happening, like that person with the knife is right around the corner, ect.  (I hear this is how Steven King is. Maybe I should just start writing books about it and making money like he did.)  Honestly, I still sleep with a nightlight because when I turn off, the panic attacks start in. So, I just leave it on.  I have had a lot of interesting things that have led to this way of life.  You might say, she's lived with just a cat for many years.  Well, I've survived with my nightlight!  If someone else... human lived with me, I'm fine. I can sleep with the lights off.  I won't even sleep in my nephews room because he has no curtains, and there fore the aliens will get me... or something.  You are all saying, this isn't even LOGICAL. I know.  These terrors started at a very young age, and they haven't gone away.  SO, anyway, I bought this book, which I probably shouldn't have.  The other thing is, I LOVE folk lore!  That's why I bought the book.  That's another reason I think these things freak my mind out, they "supposedly" happened to some poor soul.  When I went to ISU, I loved Folk Lore. I took two semesters of it and passed with flying colors!  I also LOVED going to the folklore sights around Indiana, no matter how freightened I was.  One Hundred Steps, Gates of Hell, ECT.  Now, I may not have gotten our of the car on a few of them, but I still went.  Now, you're all really starting to think I'm crazy.  So, if I start reading my ghost stories, and freak my self out, I might have to start calling people in the middle of the night! 

Another strange realization I had today was about my shopping habbits.  I like to shop ALONE.  I mean, I'll go with a friend, or my sister, but if I'm really spending some money and I shouldn't be, I feel Extremely self concsious. I don't want people judging me.  It's like I beat myself up over buying a new bra.  Honestly, my girls don't really work in a cheapo Walmart bra.  I've tried.  The bra dies very quickly.  Not worth the money spent.  But If I buy a more expensive one, and it lasts six months or more, (they're only supposed to last about three) I think I'm doing pretty well.  (Sorry if guys actually read this.)  But why be mad at myself if I get the bra for half price?  It's so upsetting to work 16 hours of overtime, and getting mad at myself for buying a bra or an 8 dollar shirt or shoes!  Shoes are a NECESSITY! Especially ones are comfortable enough to stand in all day at work.  If I take someone with me to shop, basically, I want them to talk me out of buying anything.  But if I never bought anything, I would be NAKED. Which is not professional for work.  In fact, since they change our dress code every three to four months at work, (This week Jeans, next week Dark jeans only, next week no jeans, next week "I don't like those Khaki's.), I think they should start providing appropriate attire like McD's. Pants/ Trousers and shirts.   I don't really want this to happen, but I hate having to change my attire so often.  (Last Saturday it was, "Wear your Colts attire!"  I said, "If you (being the company) are providing it. I'll wear it!" I got a weird look on that one!)  They don't pay me enough for this crap! 

OK, I've been on a rant about my budget for a while now.  I'm just to the end of being nice about this.  I should be making so less money, when people I know WITHOUT ANY college education are making 5-15,000 more a year than I am.  Time to update my resume.  Any volunteers for help with that?   

11:38 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I stole this...

From Brooke's Live Journal, but I was at the same concert, and she gave a great discreption. I also stole the pic, which I'll post in my pics.

From the show on November 9th:

Well the show fucking rocked.

First off, I got to drive with the top down in November. Very windblown, but worth it.

Second, Mo DID leave the tickets for me under my first name, so we went from row 31 to row 10.

At this show I saw some new stuff. Ben played bass and drums! They did the long Rockin' where Jared (or in todays show, Hose Fernadez) did the ending and Ben played bass. During his solo set, Ben rocked out on the drums. Fantastical. Oh, and Jared sang this song in spanish, I had never seen anything like that before. What else? Ben did Rock this Bitch in Bloomington, and his other improved song was all about getting your hair cut, cause some guy in the audience gave him a book a coupons that had this french hair place he couldn't pronounce.

Ben is sick, though. We didn't see anyone after the show this time except Michael and Leo, whom we talked to for a while, and then Mo. Thanked him personally for the tickets.

Good times. Fucking good times!
Thanks Brooke for the Great discription!
Today, I went to Lafayette through sleet and snow to visit with My partents, Emily, Chris, and Miko.  It went pretty well, plus, I got some laundry finished!  I was out of necessities.
Tomorrow, I'm off to work... as usual. At least I don't think it's another 48 hr work week, I wish it was though. I need the money, since I spent too much this weekend.

11:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Clean clean clean!!!
Current mood: accomplished

OMG! The Tupperware Party is Friday, and I still have A LOT to do!  My kitchen is almost SPOTLESS!  I just have to sweep and mop the floor and not eat until the party. That's not going to happen.

I'm going to try to keep it short tonight, even though a lot has happened in the last couple days.

Today, at work, this old lady smelled like dirty diaper to me, and that made me think about something.  I hate the smell of babies/baby stuff is really gross to me... when there's no baby around.  When I worked at Arni's a pizza resturaunt, people would clean their babies with wipes that were very scented.  Then, since I was a busser, I would have to clean up after them.  The smell of the wipes sitting on the high chairs were just about enough to make me get sick!  Something like this set off a trigger a couple months ago.  I was at work, and this guy (very cute I might add) was standing in front of my computer. And all I could think was, how much his chewing gum smelled like Desitin! (If you don't know what Desitin is, it's for babies' butts when they have Diaper rash.)  That was grossing me out so bad.  So, unless there is an actual baby around, I don't want things to smell like them... and the old woman diaper smell... I'm not even going to ask!

11:04 PM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

2007-04-21 11:28:01 2007-04-21 15:28:01 open Publish post 585461131
- My sort of Uber list. Pechin6 Tue, 02 Jan 2007 00:00:27 -05:00 - Here is my list of my goals for 2007: (Some of these will be repeats of last year, but well worth keeping on here! (It's turning into my sister's Uber List.)

Loose more weight: Buy a key to the Apt complex workout room.

Play more DDR to help loose the weight.

See Ben at least twice

Eat healthier in general. 

Get more out of debt. Maybe find a debt councilor to help me.

More excersize. (Like I said, More DDR!)

Get a better sleep schedule.

Get rid of more stuff. 

Shred junk mail the second I walk in the door.

Revamp my fish tank.  This thing is turning into a constant goal.  Fish always poop. Lime scale always happens.

Start giving voice lessons.  Any one need a lesson.  My fist couple students I'll start at a very good price.

Practice music more often.  Singing, Piano, directing, Violin, ect.

Amaris had something like this on her list, and I liked it, so, I'm going to steal it! "~Make some career decisions,growth/workload/financial"

Make some strides in my Partylite business.  If any body wants to Host, please tell me!!!

Get my office area organized.  Maybe even moved to a different part of my apartment.

Start doing more Singing gigs, hopefully PAID!! *know of someone getting married? PLEASE recommend me. To start, I will be pretty inexpensive.

Buy a shelving unit to get my music corner organized.

Get my craft/knitting area organized. (This includes finishing or getting rid of not finished crafts.)

Crafts:  Finish three Blankets.  20 Hats.    10 Scarves. Learn how to make two new things with crocheting or knitting.

Enroll in a class:  Dance or Crafts, or something.

Attend more social gatherings. (Kareoakeing, Dances, Parties, ect.)

Arrange at least once Choral Medley that is going on in my head, even if that means I have to ask someone for help.

Get rid of all the shoes that are worn out or don't fit me right. (This might take some help from Emily, Hope, or Robin. I have a hard time judging these things.)

Actually take a real trip somewhere, maybe visiting a family member towards the west or something.

Take better care of Kassie and  (Get Kassie her shots and skin care.)

Audition for Two shows.  (One of those being for Scott, who is doing Parade. I hope I didn't miss that. I guess I better look that up.)

OK, I'm going to stop adding things now, If I have forgot anything, I'll add an ademdum later.



2007-01-02 00:00:27 2007-01-02 05:00:27 open Publish post 560146730
- Goal Update Pechin6 Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:17:25 -05:00 - My sister posts her "Uber List." I just made a goal list. This was from Jan. 2nd of this year.

Loose more weight:Didn't happen thanks to Avandia, which my doctor pointed out yet AGAIN this week about the Avandia.

See Ben at least twice: Let's See, March 17th, and November 9th. Accomplished.

Get a spiffy new hair style, aside from long highligted: Accomplished thanks to Kirsten last Wednesday. My new Hair cut is also in Cosmo this month!

Eat healthier in general.  Well, if I wasn't so poor!  No really, I did a bit better aside from the Taco Bell and Starbucks addictions.

Get more out of debt. Ya, I need to keep that one for next year.

More excersize. Well, during the summer, that went well with the Tuesday night sports night.  I need something like that for the winter that isn't volley ball.

Get a better sleep schedule: Not really.

Get rid of something every month or so (Clothes and such.)Well, not really, but I did get rid of a lot of stuff.

Revamp my fish tank (It's been in sad shape since I moved.) I was revamped, but is back to unvamped.  I probably need to keep this going for next year.

Start giving voice lessons: Need to leave this for next year's list also.

So, it looks like I need to keep a few of these on next year's list. 

Updates from Myspace:

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas Wish List

Well, Like I said, "Wish!"

Taco Bell Gift Certificate or a nice Mexican Resturaunt Certificate.

Starbucks Gift Certificate

Angel Seasons 1-5 or if there's a box set

Shots and a check up for Kassie

New Justin Timberlake CD

Confessions of a Dance Floor/ Madona CD

Clean my car

Clean my Apartment (or just help me sort stuff)

Petco gift card to Fix up Kassie and the Fish Tank

Two 25 Watt white Fish tank bulbs

Pirates of the Carribean 2 (I haven't seen it)

Trip to Disney World (Big wish!)

Tank or Two of Gas

(Ok, I'm watching this weird celtic concert on PBS right now, and they are currently singing a "live" version of Enya's, "Sail Away: Ornico Flow."  All the old people in the audience are singing along. LOL!)

Tickets to the Celtic Woman: A New Journey coming to the Murat April 11th, 2007

Or maybe just the CD

VO5 Play it again! hair goop

(It's nice they want pledges and all, but the reason I'm watching is because I'm too poor to pay for cable.)

A new file box to file my Partylite Paper work

Clinique Foaming Face wash (Pink tube with a green lid.)

Kroger or Walmart Gift Certificate

Some one to Redo my budget

Personal Trainer/ Or someone who will Play DDR with me at least once a week, hopefully more.


OK, I should give up. I'm sure there's more, but I'm being distracted by the biggest looser.



6:39 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


So, my weekend went pretty well.  Friday, we had the work Christmas Party. We went to Milano Inn, which serves Italian food, and then, Duck Pin Bowling at Fountain Square Mall. Hope came as my date. 

Friday, I drove to Bloomington and helped with a five year olds Birthday Party.  Then, Hope and I made a short visit to Walmart, and went to her house and watched a movie.

Sunday, Hope made the best cream of turkey ever.  Then, we got ready to go to her work Christmas Party, were I went as her date.  Then, after finishing some laundry and being addicted to the Dalas Cowboy Cheerleader show, I drove home.  I remembered about ten minutes into the drive that I didn't have too work on Monday.  But I came home any way and took care of Kassie. 

Monday, got woke up by a bad call.  That started the day from hell. Then, decided to lay in front of the TV and fell asleep. Then, got a call that my Partylite show for then evening was cancelled.  Got a knock on the door from my neighbor.  He asked if I had water. I checked. I didn't.  Then, I called the maintnance line and left a message. Decided I should go ask the upstairs neighbor what was going on.  Realized there was a note on the door. (This was basically the first time out of my apartment.  I went out to get my mail earlier.)  The note stated that the Water Main had burst and NOBODY had water.  So, I knocked on the neighbor's door, showed him.  Called the Maintnance line back and apologized for leaving a message.  Got dressed sans shower, and went to the Church Christmas party.  I thoroughly enjoyed making my own "ginger bread" house out of Grahm crackers.  I wasn't really a team player, but the rest of the table made a "garden" to go along with it.  Now, I'm going to make Cheryl a scarf, but I have to go buy the stuff in the color she wants.

Tuesday: Got up. Showered. Went to the Doctor. Came home. Layed in front of the TV. Fell asleep. Woke up with my hip hurting.  Moved to my bed. Slept until Five ish. Got up. Realized my sugar was probably 0.  I went to Taco Bell, almost passing out on the way. Came home. Ate dinner. Started watching King Kong. Decided  to pause it to go to CVS.  I had a coupon for $5 off $10.  So, I bought the Drano I needed and a couple 2 liters of Pepsi. Ya. I live an exciting life.  Came home. Finished Kong.  It was really sad.  It reminded me of a report I did in the Third grade about Tigers.  The book I read on tigers stated, "The Tiger has no Enemy."  So, I put that in the report.  My teacher informed me that I was wrong.  The tiger's enemy walked on two feet and had a gun.  I've hated her ever since for that.  She crushed me, and took points off of my report.  I think third grade was the year I decided I hated school.  Thank you Mrs. Robertson for ruining my life. 

I do actually have too go to work tomorrow, so, I should probably try to get some sleep.

11:22 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


So, my weekend went pretty well.  Friday, we had the work Christmas Party. We went to Milano Inn, which serves Italian food, and then, Duck Pin Bowling at Fountain Square Mall. Hope came as my date. 

Friday, I drove to Bloomington and helped with a five year olds Birthday Party.  Then, Hope and I made a short visit to Walmart, and went to her house and watched a movie.

Sunday, Hope made the best cream of turkey ever.  Then, we got ready to go to her work Christmas Party, were I went as her date.  Then, after finishing some laundry and being addicted to the Dalas Cowboy Cheerleader show, I drove home.  I remembered about ten minutes into the drive that I didn't have too work on Monday.  But I came home any way and took care of Kassie. 

Monday, got woke up by a bad call.  That started the day from hell. Then, decided to lay in front of the TV and fell asleep. Then, got a call that my Partylite show for then evening was cancelled.  Got a knock on the door from my neighbor.  He asked if I had water. I checked. I didn't.  Then, I called the maintnance line and left a message. Decided I should go ask the upstairs neighbor what was going on.  Realized there was a note on the door. (This was basically the first time out of my apartment.  I went out to get my mail earlier.)  The note stated that the Water Main had burst and NOBODY had water.  So, I knocked on the neighbor's door, showed him.  Called the Maintnance line back and apologized for leaving a message.  Got dressed sans shower, and went to the Church Christmas party.  I thoroughly enjoyed making my own "ginger bread" house out of Grahm crackers.  I wasn't really a team player, but the rest of the table made a "garden" to go along with it.  Now, I'm going to make Cheryl a scarf, but I have to go buy the stuff in the color she wants.

Tuesday: Got up. Showered. Went to the Doctor. Came home. Layed in front of the TV. Fell asleep. Woke up with my hip hurting.  Moved to my bed. Slept until Five ish. Got up. Realized my sugar was probably 0.  I went to Taco Bell, almost passing out on the way. Came home. Ate dinner. Started watching King Kong. Decided  to pause it to go to CVS.  I had a coupon for $5 off $10.  So, I bought the Drano I needed and a couple 2 liters of Pepsi. Ya. I live an exciting life.  Came home. Finished Kong.  It was really sad.  It reminded me of a report I did in the Third grade about Tigers.  The book I read on tigers stated, "The Tiger has no Enemy."  So, I put that in the report.  My teacher informed me that I was wrong.  The tiger's enemy walked on two feet and had a gun.  I've hated her ever since for that.  She crushed me, and took points off of my report.  I think third grade was the year I decided I hated school.  Thank you Mrs. Robertson for ruining my life. 

I do actually have too go to work tomorrow, so, I should probably try to get some sleep.

11:22 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, November 27, 2006

weekend update

OMG. Still addicted to "Six Feet Under."  Still not in bed because of it.  I was telling Emily and Hope today, that I like Television shows on DVD better than movies.  Of course, this proves that just like my mother, I am a slight "Soap Opera" addict.  She actually tapes "Days of Our Lives" every week day.  Me, I borrow or buy them on DVD.  The current, I am borrowing from my dear daughter Robin. (you rock!)

Line of the Day: "Chopsticks can kill a man, David!"

I was driving a lot this week, and I tend to think a whole bunch when that happens.  Tonight I was thinking about an event that was months ago, but for some reason it was kind of frusturated.  I'm going to leave this kind of ambiguous.  A while back, I had sent an email to a group of friends inviting them to go to an event.  Well, no one responded.  So, I made other plans, even though, I still really wanted to go to the event.  Then, the day after the event, one of the friends came up to me and said, "So, how did you like the event?  I didn't see you there!  A whole group of us went! Blah blah blah!"  Ok, so, if said friend would have called me or emailed me to say, "A group of us are going. Would you like to come with us?"  Maybe I wouldn't be so upset about it.  Ok, enough of that rant.  If this is going to be my journal, I got to write it down.

Thanksgiving was a great time.  I LOVE Turkey, all the sudden, and was singing about it all day Wednesday at work. It was great to see my family. 

Now, the Thankful List:

Kassie Kitty, My family, Friends, My Voice, My Kidney, Still having a roof over my head, My sister who donated food to my cause (I forgot to pick up the turkey. Crap.), a job or two, a bed, Medicine, Doctors, Nieces and Nephews, Music, Starbucks, Parties, Running water, My PS2 (Who needs a 3 when the 2 still works.), Clean Clothes, a working phone and email address, sleep

Ok, I should go to bed.  

10:06 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm so ADDICTED...

to "Six Feet Under!" Thanks Robin!  I'm currently on Season Four the third Episode.  WOW.

Being poor sucks... extremely. I do have a few Partylite shows coming up though.  That will help a bit.

I am excited for Thanksgiving!  My sister is going to cook real food, which makes me hungry just thinking about it!

Now, Kassie is trying to walk across the keyboard. She's so stickin' cute! 


11:12 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random Food Blog...

So, tonight, all I had was a 1lb and a half of hamburger, a can of stewed tomatos with green peppers and celery, and some onions.  WALA!!! The most AMAZING Sloppy Joes!  I don't know what made me crave it, or how I even made it work, but it did. 

 I actually didn't spend money for one day. I'm amazed with myself the way my week has been going. I've eaten out twice Monday, Twice Tuesday, and Dinner last night.  That makes me feel so wasteful.  I could have bought a week or two of food with what I've spent. That makes me so frustrated with myself.  I don't even really have the money to put gas in my car.  But I sent in two Partylite shows last night, and I booked one tonight, so, that will get me a little bit of cash. 

SO, I totally am in love with International Cafe's Vanilla Cream.... not only caffiene free, but sugar free!  Awesome for a night drink!

9:45 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm on vacation!

Ok, I'm on vacation, if you couldn't tell...LOL! YAY!!!!
I was playing around on youtube tonight and found this....
(I hope that works.)
This is the competition show from my high school, my senior year.... A show I was not in because of politics.  A choir I was not in because of politics.... I would just let it go, because4 I know that I can sing and dance but this is still happenning today.  I was told that a friend of my sister's audition for a show choir in a school in Bloomington and was told that she wasn't wearing enough makeup.  Now, this was an audition in the middle of the school day, and the students weren't instructed that they must be wearing stage makeup, or make up at all.  That is just really sad to me that you women with beautiful voices.  This girl is just absolutely gorgeous also. 
Anyway, what I had originally been looking for on youtube was:
This is Beck on SNL a couple weekends ago.... FREAKIN' HILLARIOUS!

11:18 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, October 16, 2006

Category: Life

Well, I'm barely surviving my weekend.  I drove up to Bloomington on Friday.  Chris and Miko met Hope and I, and we basically went to bed.  Then, Saturday, I had my first PartyLite party hosted by my sister.  Mom and Dad showed up at the end.  Then, we had dinner, and Mom, Chris, Hope, her friend Stephanie, and I went Kareaokeing.  I smashed two other players in the 80's name that tune.  I won some awesome stuff from Target's see spot save (used to be the one spot, then, they decided to change the prices so, not the ONE spot anymore.)  Got up Sunday. Decided I wanted to hang with my family instead of going to church, so, I make a few phone calls.  Then, after a lunch of Bologna sandwhiches, Mom, Miko, Hope, and I went to Brown County State Park.  We watched a "Birds of Prey" class, then, Miko, Hope and I hiked down to the Lake and back up to the nature center.  Now, I'm in extreme pain every time I move my calves. It sucks.  Then, came home. Had pizza.  Watched Hope and her codecorator make an emarald city/oz back drop for Xavier.  We watched  Cable and waited for Michael to get home.  Michael got home. We watched Home Makeover and Desperate Housewives, then, I came home. I survived, aside from not being able to walk.

My sister asked a very interesting question while we were hiking.  Is it harder to meet people when you are single and my age?

Mel is always telling me, it takes to years to settle in a new place and have a group of friends. I find this pretty close to true.  I was in Carol Stream for a year and ten months, and I was just getting to the point were my circle of friends was becoming loving and inviting.  Not that I didn't enjoy the people along the way, or that they still aren't my friends.  But I was very lonely in the beginning.  Now, it's almost been a year, and I still haven't made that circle of friends in this city.  There are two main places where people may age meet people, bars or church.  I've gone to church for a social structure basically, and yet, I don't always feel welcome.  Yes, I do get invites here and there, but I end up driving all over the city to meet with people.  After the drive, most of the time, I don't find the time spent was worth it.  I feel empty.  Half the time, I feel like I can't talk about what I want with these aquaintances because: A. I don't want to affend them, which hurts my feelings also.  B.  I feel like these aquaintances aren't the type of company I would choose to hang out with.  Part of it is, I like part of the "group"  or say, "click"  but not the whole.  One or more people in this gaggle of people may just get on my nerves too much to make it worth the time and effort.  So, the question is:  Is it better to be alone, or in bad company?  Some days, I feel like my T.V. and my cat are better company then, choosing to get all gussied up for people who don't even care.  Another part of this is, whenever I invite people to hang out, watch movies, go somewhere, they always say things that let me know, they are just waiting for something better to come up.  I'm just the plan C or D.  I know there are a few shining stars out there that aren't really like this.  I know that it's just as hard for some people to pick up the phone or send an email to do the inviting.  But I've stepped out of my box. I've done the calling and the emailing.  Yet, people don't take me up on it.  That makes the self destuctive thinking start: "Am I that annoying?"  "Do people hate me that much?"  "Am I too fat/ugly to be aroud or take out?"  I don't really let myself think these things too often, or I would eat myself to death, which is already slightly happening anyway.  I'm just going to have to start finding new ways to meet people.  Join a knitting/crocheting group, or join a fitness club.  I'm just too poor to do most of these things.  Part of me doesn't want to go to church anymore, because I feel more welcome hanging  out with my family. Yet, I'm getting too poor to pay for gas to visit them every weekend.  Where do I go from here?  Some people that read this are totally going to be affended.  This is how I truly feel.  I'm twenty-eight and don't even know how to make friends, or know people that are willing to learn how to be my friend.  Yes. I talk to people. I "pretend" to be interested.  I have the common courtesy to say, "Hi, how was your week?" and be an attentive listener, and yet, some people don't ask me back.  I'm done being overly friendly if the person isn't going to return the courtesy back.

10:38 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, October 02, 2006

My life since... Thursday

Thursday:  I worked until 5:30, and then, took off for Purdue to go see Nickel Creek.  That was amazingly awesome!!!! I got back home at around 1:30am.

Friday: I worked, then, stayed home and waited for Hope to show up.  Then, we did the Walmart run thing, where I bought stuff for PartyLite and some other random things, like sandals I probably can't where for quite a few months now.  But they were on sale.

Saturday:  I worked, then, I drove to Julie and Dave's in Danville, IL.  They hosted Sarah and Martin's wedding shower.  That was a super good time. I also met Jared, Julie and Dave's new baby.  What a CUTIE! I stayed all night.

Sunday: Someone, being Krissy, put a blanket on me in the middle in the night because she thought I was cold. That was so sweet. LOL, Dave came out and closed the window that was open, also because he thought I was cold.  I woke up to coffee being brewed.  That was awesome.  Dave and Julie woke up, with Jared.  Dave made an awesome breakfast.  Julie, Dave, Jared, Krissy, Josh and I hung out and chatted for a while. They we got on the road.  I got home at 2pm.  I did some PartyLite stuff, then, Crashed for two hours.  I woke up at about 5:30, when I was supposed to be at Waylon's by 6:00.  I didn't get myself together until 6.  LOL, then, I found he and Jodi's house.  It is so cute!  That was also cool because I hadn't physically seen Waylon for quite a few years.  Then, I went to TB/PH and got both pizza and meximelt.  I watched Home Make over and Desperate Housewives.  That show is going a little off the deep end for me this season.  Gave Kassie a bath.  She loved that. (hear the sarcasm) Talked to Mel. Konked out around 12:30, which is actually kind of early for me. 

Monday: Kelly called me at 7:30 this morning on his way home from work.  I was sleeping like a log for once. LOL, but I talked to him anyway.  Went back to sleep.  Finally got up at five til nine to take my shower, which is a few minutes late.  Got to work five minutes late.  Had McD's for lunch for the Little Mermaid Happy Meal.  Then, my favorite pair/ slash only functional pair of glasses broke in half. Got off work, ran home to find old glasses (they were discusting), went to the PartyLite meeting in Greenwood, which is a bit of a drive.  I won reminder post cards for booking my shows, like I was supposed to anyway. Yay!  Then, I went to Kelly's to drop off his Hostess packet. Met two of his friends.  They were HILLARIOUS!!! He gave me a can of Diet Pepsi, which was greatly appreciated.  Then, I drove home.  Now, I'm typing this.

If you actually read this whole thing, cool.  Have a great day!

9:52 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Current mood: accomplished
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Ok, the night is getting better!!! I met with my team leader, and she got me a little bit pumped up.  Then, I booked a show in the car on the way home, and booked one online tonight!!! YAY!!! Only two more shows to go. 

You still get free stuff if you book a party!!!

2006-12-07 20:12:27 2006-12-08 01:12:27 open Publish post 553942310
- Birthday Shindig Pechin6 Wed, 13 Sep 2006 22:53:59 -04:00 - Hey, everybody out there in Xanga land, I am having a Birthday Shindig/Party Lite Party on Friday the 22. If you don't know what Party Lite is, it's a company that sells awesome candles and candle Accessories. (Dude, I need to learn how to spell that word!) But you don't have to come and buy stuff. Just come and eat awesome food catered by my sister, who is also on this list, and play some games. This is for EVERYBODY! Guys are included! If you have any questions or want to come, call me or message me and I'll give you more details!
Have a great week!
2006-09-13 22:53:59 2006-09-14 02:53:59 open Publish post 528932149
- Catch Up Pechin6 Wed, 13 Sep 2006 22:48:55 -04:00 -

Monday, September 11, 2006

Poor kitty
Current mood: nauseated

My kitty has been throwing up since about seven this morning. She threw up again at about ten. Poor thing. She looks so pittiful.  If she's still doing this tomorrow, I might have to take her to the doctor. A kitty who never goes outside, and never eats anything different, aside from the ocassional french fry, should not be throwing up this much!

9:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Poor kitty
Current mood: nauseated

My kitty has been throwing up since about seven this morning. She threw up again at about ten. Poor thing. She looks so pittiful.  If she's still doing this tomorrow, I might have to take her to the doctor. A kitty who never goes outside, and never eats anything different, aside from the ocassional french fry, should not be throwing up this much!

9:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Poor kitty
Current mood: nauseated

My kitty has been throwing up since about seven this morning. She threw up again at about ten. Poor thing. She looks so pittiful.  If she's still doing this tomorrow, I might have to take her to the doctor. A kitty who never goes outside, and never eats anything different, aside from the ocassional french fry, should not be throwing up this much!

9:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Poor kitty
Current mood: nauseated

My kitty has been throwing up since about seven this morning. She threw up again at about ten. Poor thing. She looks so pittiful.  If she's still doing this tomorrow, I might have to take her to the doctor. A kitty who never goes outside, and never eats anything different, aside from the ocassional french fry, should not be throwing up this much!

9:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Sunday, September 10, 2006

T ag...
Current mood: cheerful
Category: Quiz/Survey

I've been tagged.

OK, Hope, Kelly, Jenny, Jodi, Candace, and Josh...

The Game: Write 6 weird/odd things or habits about yourself then tag 6 people. Those people must then write a blog with 6 things about themselves and tag 6 more people, thus creating an endless game of tag which is kind of fun. Be sure to comment those 6 people and tell them that they've been tagged.

1.  I have three Kidneys, and one of them is from Texas.

2.  I play a song I like CONSTANTLY, until I get sick of it. I currently have, "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake on REPEAT! LOL

3.  I let my cat sleep on top of my head/hair every night. Most of the time, I don't even notice, unless she kicks me.

4. According to my family, I sing in my sleep. (They need to start recording this! I want Proof!)

5.  If I really like a cd, I not only burn it to my computer, but I actually BUY a back up copy.  Right now, I have a copy of Wicked that's not even open yet. I AM the Copy Right Natzee.

6.  I have 10 Nieces, 3 Nephews, 4 Nephew-in-laws, 2 Niece-in-laws, 7 Great Nieces, and two great  somethings on the way. I couldn't name them all if somebody paid me. Seriously.

8:16 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, September 07, 2006


So, tonight, I turned a bunch of lights on, including one that I don't use that often.  Then, after a while, I started smelling a strange smell, between something burning and baking.  It was pretty gross. So, finally, I start investigating the lamps, and one of the lamps looked wierd. And low and behold, there's a plastic easter egg with gum and chocolate inside MELTING to my lamp. LOL.  Wow, Michael needs to learn how to find easter eggs better!


9:55 PM - 2 Comments - 3 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Current mood: pessimistic

I need to change my attitude.  Every thing around here drives me crazy, and makes me angry. It really sucks. People say things, and I automatically take it personally, no matter how stupid the comment is.  I'm not like that. I'm a more, roll with it type of gal.  Why is everything making me so angry lately?!  And it's always something in the beginning of my day.  I'll come in thinking I'm being happy-go-lucky. Then, something gets said to me, and I turn into a rampaging lunatic on the inside.  An extremely grumpy person on the outside.  It's beginning to hurt my head.  I do get a vacation though.  The second week in November.  Any one want to create a semi free relaxing atmosphere for me? I'll bring a book to read.

5:46 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


OK, so, I decided that since I didn't have to work until late this morning, I would go work at the Bishop's Storehouse (Translation for non mormons: Food Pantry for the Church Members.)  I get there, and I am told to work with a girl who has downsyndrome who is doing her mission for the Storehouse.  Then, we are handed one of the LARGEST orders for the week.  At first we are going very slow because she would only tell me the items in the order on the sheet. I would say, "Are there any more dry goods?" And she would say, "Yes, but we have to go in order with the sheet!"  OK, I'm sorry, but I did not have the patience for this at all today.  I feel sorry for her, just because she had to work with me.  Then, we get HALF way through the order, and the boxes/tubs that we are filling are so high, I can't reach into them. So, I say to this lady next to me, "I think we need help.  I can't reach this high."  The lady then proceeds to disassemble EVERY THING I have already packed to tell me I am doing everything wrong.  I just about started to cry.  I know she thought she was helping, but I seriously was not in the mood for that.  Plus, the girl who was supposed to be my partner is doing her service mission for the Storehouse. So, I thought SHE WOULD KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING. No, obviously not.  I have decided that volunteering to PICK orders, when that's what I do at work all do, and being told that I'm doing everything wrong, is not where I need to be.  Every time I go, I leave more upset and frusturated.  I don't need that in my life.  I know, that my family has benifitted from the store house in many times of need.  But I don't want to be there.  I'll find other ways to volunteer my time.  Maybe I'll just go into baby/ child hat making like Hope. 

5:37 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, August 21, 2006

Talk I gave in church a few weeks ago.
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Hello, I am Heather. When President Snapp was offering me this great chance to give a talk, he asked me how long its been since I have actually done so. Honestly, I think I was in High School. But I have a good reason for that. I would rather sing. In fact, I usually volunteer to sing, so, I think that may have gotten me out of a few of these wonderful opportunities like this one.

I moved here a little over 9 months ago from the Greater Chicago area. I had moved to that area to intern and start working for a store that sells sheet music. The working situation was not very mentally or spiritually healthy for me. I had even started sending a few resumes out and started looking at my options. The major great thing that happened to me there, was that, I few Missionaries knocked on my door. Now, I hadnt gone to church in about ten years, maybe another reason why I havent given a talk in so long. But, the missionaries were cute, so, I let them in. From there, it turned into the missionaries and a member from the ward would come visit me every week or two. Then, Finally, after a few months of this, I agreed to go to church one Sunday morning. I walked in the door, and this girl walks up to me and says, Hi, Im Lena. Im your Visiting Teacher. Youre going to sit with me and my Family! I was a little stunned, but happily agreed. She instantly started introducing me to EVERYONE! Soon after, they became my spiritual family, since all of my family was at least four hours away. Then, the opportunity to Transfer for my job happened. I pretty much said yes within 24 hours. I knew I needed to be closer to my family, and away from the current work situation. The only thing was, I had gained such a great spiritual family to be around. But I moved, and now, Im here with a new spiritual family. And this is where faith comes in to keep me going. Before I had the job transfer, I had been praying for something to happen to get me out of the unhealthy work enviroment. I just knew that I could not continue in the professional direction I was going . This isnt the first time in my life that I needed faith to survive on, but I will come back to that.

In a talk given by Margaret D. Nadauld, Former Young Women General President, called A Woman of Faith, she gives a few standards that are geared towards Women of Faith, but I think that they apply to Men and Women of faith. She says:

A woman of faith trusts God and faces adversity with hope. She knows of His interest in her life. She knows that He knows her. She loves His words and drinks deeply of that living water. She is grateful for the prophet He has sent for these latter days, and she trusts his counsel and follows it, for she knows that by so doing she will find safety and peace. In prayer she seeks the kind, unfaltering guidance and help of a listening Heavenly Father. As she prays, she listensallowing the communication to be two-way. She trusts that in His still and quiet way, He will lead her by the hand and give her answer to her prayers. 2

This is an AMAZING statement for me to hear. Not only that we can have faith and trust in God, but that with faith he can and WILL guide us and answer our prayers. The next statement from the talk says:

A woman of faith is confident because she understands the divine plan of our Heavenly Father and her role to bless lives. She is confident that any sacrifice she makes is worth something in an eternal sense. She knows about sacrifice from knowing of the life of the Savior. She knows that her sacrifices may be small by comparison, but she knows that Heavenly Father understands and values what she does to strengthen her home and her family and the world in which she lives. Her confidence grows because she is virtuous and lovely and gracious, which is even better than beautiful. She has pure motives. She is loving and gentle and kind. The hearts of her husband and her children safely trust in her. 3 And so do the children or youth or women that she has been called to teach, lead, serve, and lovethey are drawn to her because of that special spirit that she radiates. It is the image of God that she has in her countenance that is appealing and important. 4 She is confident that she is fashioning a character and a record of performance that will be invited to stand in the presence of her Heavenly Father. She will be able to do so with the sense that she fully belongs there, that she is known by Him and loved and valued and treasured forever and always.

Now, some of this is geared more to the Women, but it can apply to Men too. It is awesome to know that, with my confidence and how I carry myself will help me get to the presence of God. I also LOVE that sacrifice or charity is mentioned. It reminds me of one of my favorite scripture passages from 1 Corithians 13:1-5:

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinking symbol. 2. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 3. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. 4. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. 5. Doth not behave itself unseemingly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil.

If you read the foot note, the definition for charity is love. Giving our charity or love, makes our faith grow in leaps and bounds because it creates such a great feeling within ourselves, and makes our confidence grow.

The final standard or Idea presented by Sister Nadauld states:

A woman of faith is fearless. She fears no evil, for God is with her. 5 There is no ambiguity, no uncertain trump in her life. She can live a principled life because she studies the doctrine and teachings of a perfect teacher, the Master. She is a noble example to all who know her. She is less than perfect, of course, not because she doesnt have perfect principles or the perfect example in Christ, but because she is human. She stays away from the evil influence and the unclean thing, and if it encroaches on her territory, she is as a lioness protecting her cubs. A fearless woman of faith has the courage to talk with her children about practices which would destroy them. They not only hear her discuss her commitment, but they see her commitment in her daily livingin the way she dresses, what she reads and watches, how she spends her leisure time, what she loves and laughs at, whom she attracts, and how she acts at all times, in all things, and in all places. She has a certain style of her own that is attractive and joyful and bright and good. Our little girls and our young women can safely trust in her example. We pray that they too will be fearless as they seek out and promote that which is uplifting and happy and decent, for they are our future.

Now, Im going to pull a few things that struck me out of this statement because theres a lot in it to digest.

A woman of faith is fearless. She fears no evil, for God is with her. It is fantastic to know that I am not alone, whether or not someone is standing right next to me. This is the best feeling in the world, especially when I moved here and didnt really know any body except my family. I had the comfort of knowing that God was there.

She can live a principled life because she studies the doctrine and teachings of a perfect teacher, the Master. She is a noble example to all who know her. She is less than perfect, of course, not because she doesnt have perfect principles or the perfect example in Christ, but because she is human.

I definitely know Im human, but I am so glad to also know that I have people here to help continue in my spiritual growth, and also that I have the example of Christ.

The statement goes on to say, A fearless woman of faith has the courage to talk with her children about practices which would destroy them. They not only hear her discuss her commitment, but they see her commitment in her daily livingin the way she dresses, what she reads and watches, how she spends her leisure time, what she loves and laughs at, whom she attracts, and how she acts at all times, in all things, and in all places... Our little girls and our young women can safely trust in her example. We pray that they too will be fearless as they seek out and promote that which is uplifting and happy and decent, for they are our future.

It is very interesting that this says that when we have faith, people look up to us. We are seen as the example, even if the chilren mentioned are not our own children, but children we meet and see at work, at school, and at church.

When we lead our lives with faith, more than great things will come from it. We will get the chance to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

I learned to use faith in my life from many life changing experiences. One of the major ones was when I was on the waiting list for a cadaver kidney for a transplant. I was surving by paratenial dialysis, a form of dialysis done in the home. Its a daily thing that is very time consuming, and at the same time, I was going to college and attempting to pass some classes. At the time, I remember saying to a friend, I really hope I get the call soon. Im not doing very well at all in these classess. This same friend once told me that, I was one of the happiest people she had ever met, which shocked her because of my illness. In my mind, I just new that everything would be fine in the end. I lived by Faith. And the time did come when the call happened. That day, I walked in to the Administration Office and withdrew from school, even though there was still a chance that things werent going to work out for this kidney. But I walked in and did it with calm. After the surgury, the doctors were amazed with my healing speed. I got out of the hospital in five days. I had the kind of faith that brought to me the peace and calm that I needed to survive that time in my life.








11:56 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Current mood: sleepy

There was this loud truck sound outside, so, I look outside my window.  Lo and behold, an ambulance at the next apartment building.  I decided to be that annoying neighbor that goes and stares.   I just wanted to make sure it wasn't the nice old guy, or old lady that waves when I drive by.  It wasn't.  It was a young girl with a bandage wrapped around her head. Interesting.  I'm wired.  I need to go to bed.

Today, my sugar dropped to 61 before lunch.  I guess a Frappacino isn't an appropriate breakfast.  Or maybe I need to remember to have a snack now that my lunch is later.  Then, it dropped really low right before seven, and that's when I get off work. argh.  I hate this.  I feel like I'm dying when it gets that low.  Not good. 

Well, this going in at 10:30 thing is killing me.  It screws my whole night up including sleep.  MUST SLEEP!

11:57 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

2006-09-13 22:48:55 2006-09-14 02:48:55 open Publish post 528931024
- Issues Pechin6 Thu, 10 Aug 2006 00:49:24 -04:00 - 2006-08-10 00:49:24 2006-08-10 04:49:24 open Publish post 517647860 - - 1 2006-08-10 08:42:00 2006-08-10 12:42:00 ShortnessMel 0 732725 0 1164931622 - - 1 2006-08-11 11:38:00 2006-08-11 15:38:00 Anonymous 0 -1 0 1166033580 - Past months entries from Myspace. Pechin6 Tue, 01 Aug 2006 15:34:49 -04:00 -

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Today, I feel...
Current mood: good

Great!!! Or at least a lot better than yesterday.  I gave the chicken that made me sick to a neighbor. I hope he doesn't get sick. LOL. That would be bad. I think I just have a sensitive stomach though.  I have been running a low grade fever for a couple weeks now.  For some reason, I remember this happening a bit last year at this time of year.  I think it's just the heat. 

Last night, after FHE, we all walked over to the Speedway and bought slushies.  That was an awesome good time.  They were much needed too. It was just way too hot, and we were playing oversized soccor.  I'm trying to decide if I should go play soccor tonight, or just go swimming. I mean, 100 degree heat index is too hot to be running around a soccor field. 

I think swimming is going to win.

1:58 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, July 31, 2006

My Head Hurts so bad....

I just want to curl up and die.  My food allergies are getting worse.  I ate something that wasn't a dairy product at all, in fact, it was chicken, and I was sick all night, and now, I'm at work, dying.  That was a run on sentence. I know.

Anyway, people keep telling me I'm slow at certain tasks here at my job.  Well, HELLO.  I was trained to do it DIFFERENT!  If you're aren't gonna take the freakin' time to train me right when I get here, DON'T GET MAD AT ME when I tell you what I'm doing DIFFERENT. YA. ok.  I just almost sat down and started crying right in front of him.  I should have called in today.  I just thought that my ailments would just phase out if I got up and went to work.  But I'm the only closer here today.  The other one had the day off.  I guess I should stop caring who is going to be at work when I'm sick, and just call in. Every one else does.  I'm to freakin' responsible. 

3:38 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Party, A Funeral, and A Wedding...

What a weekend!!! Friday night, a few people did come, which was awesome!!! They ate a lot of food too, which is GREAT!!!  We watched "My StepMother is an Alien."  Cute movie with Allison Hannigan! (Willow from Buffy) 

Saturday morning, I went to Mary's mother's funeral.  And I'm just going to say, it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had at a funeral.  Carla, Mary's mother, was a Folk musician that played regularly with a group in the area.  After her burial site was dedicated, the group got together and started playing music for her.  How AMAZING!

After that, I ate lunch with Christopher.  That was cool.

Then, I drove to Terre Haute to go to Amie and Paul's wedding.  I got to see so many awesome people, like Big Brother Christopher, Andy aka Booger, and Allison.  Amie was absolutely gorgeous, with a strapless dress, that had a purple strip down the back and a purple ribbon along the top.  Paul was gorgeous too. 

Then, I decided to drive home.  I was home by a little after eleven.  I got about ten or so hours of sleep.  Then, I started getting ready for church.  Today, in Sacrament, I directed the hymns, gave a talk, and then, Sang "Be Still My Soul" with the choir.  And Amazingly, I have survived the weekend.  I think I'm going to bed now, Plus, I think my sugar is about ready to put me in a sugar coma. So, I'm going to go take some drugs for that, then, lay down. 

I FINALLY listened to the whole "Last 5 Years" CD I bought months ago.  I had also borrowed it from Elizabeth, so, I have to copies of it right now.  I have to get that back to her.  It was actually a pretty good CD.  The only thing is, the girl has Barbara Streisand vibrato, and I don't know how much I can take that. LOL

Currently listening :
The Last 5 Years (2002 Off-Broadway Cast)
By Jason Robert Brown
Release date: By 16 April, 2002

9:49 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, July 28, 2006

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Ok, so, I ask this woman who looks lost, "Can I help you?" and she says, "Ya, You don't seem to have any Ben Folds books."  Yes, to me. She said this.  Brian, who was standing a couple feet imediatetly started laughing, and said, "You have asked the right perseon!"  LOL, I said, yes, we do.  I walked over, Picked up, "Songs for Silver" and put it in her hand.  Then, I started walking her over to wear the rest of them were.  She said, "I need the song "Gracie." I said, that's in the book I handed you.  Then, I should her where the rest of them are, and she says, "Oh, I was looking under B for Ben and not F for Folds!" Then, she asked for Kelly Clarkson.... LOL

2:06 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm at work...

as usual.  Someone called in today... who reads this.... and someone who I will refer to as.... hmmmm.... C was quite the grumpy butt!! He even yelled, "SHIT!!!!" at the computer.  He doesn't cus often.  Then, I was trying to give him simple directions from afar, and he kept screwing them up. I had to go over and do the process myself.  Of course, I'm writing this and he walks by.  uhuh.  So, anyway, he was really agrivating me, so, I had to walk up front and talk to Beth a couple times. 

My heart goes out to Mary right now, because her mom past away on Tuesday.  That must be really hard. 

I set up this Friday deal hoping for people to  come to my apartment. I've even cleaned a bit.  If nobody comes, I'm going to be a looser watching cheesy 80's movies by myself.  Which is fine.  I'll just hang with my kitty, and the party food.  YAY! 

Amie and Paul's wedding is going to be very interesting on Saturday.  At least I know Allsion is going to be there. YAY! 

4:45 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Knitter knit knitting

I started a scarf a couple weeks ago with the eyelash yarn. Well, I hated working with it. I found it annoying. But this guy at church Monday night, finished a beenie in about an hour and a half. That inspired me. So, now, the scarf is almost finished. YAY!

Kassie is so cute. She chases the yarn around like a reall kitty!!!

Currently listening :
Tommy (1969 Original Concept Album)
By The Who
Release date: By 12 March, 1996

9:31 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, July 24, 2006

Current mood: anxious

I now have 666 views on myspace. HILARIOUS!!! Happy Pioneer Day to anyone who has any clue of what I'm talking about. LOL. 

So, with a random shooter on Indiana highways, I'm starting to wonder, do I really want to travel all over Southern Indiana this weekend?  My car is so bright, it would be an easy target. OK, now, I'm freakin' my self out. Must go back to work....

Currently reading :
Queen of the Slayers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
By Nancy Holder
Release date: By 31 May, 2005

12:20 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, July 21, 2006

Radom Thoughts

First:  Why do old men think it's ok to go without some form of antipersprint or deoderant?  But then, they go running around and lefting stuff and such.  Smelly...

Two:  Because Monday is Pioneer Day, I am the butt of Everyone's jokes today.  We get this yearly Email from the "Salt Lake" branch that is in Murray, stating that they will be closed on that day.  I hadn't seen the note yet this morning, and Curt comes up and says, "Did you need Monday off?"  And I was thinking, I would LOVE to have Monday off.  But I just Stared at him with a blank stare, and finally he told me what he was talking about.  I had to explain to everyone what Pioneer Day was, and they were all still confused. So, I gave up.  They made more jokes about it later. 

Three:  I'm bored.  I'm supposed to be working very hard. Now, I have to find something to do.  I thinnk I'm going to try to do these enternet sign up dealys that are over a month and a half old and supposed to have been done a way long time ago. 

Four:  I think I'm going to hang with Robin tonight which should be an awesome good time.  I really want to see a movie, and Pirate's is already five bucks with my five buck club.  We'll see. She's already seen it.  (I'm always the last one to see EVERYTHING!)

Well, back to work.

3:09 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Cow Appreciation Day!!!!
Current mood: excited
Category: Food and Restaurants

Last night, I made over three dozen cow iced sugar cookies. They are EXTREMELY tasty!!  Every body at work thinks they are hillariously awesome!  I am trying to plan a cow costume for tonight.  I think I'm going to make spots and tape them to my pants. I have a cow socks, and I have a cow bandanna that I'm going to wear.  This is going to be hillarious. I just wonder if anyone is even gonna show up to go with me.  I had a couple people say they would go, but only if they weren't going to the dance.  I don't even get off work in time to go with the people to the dance.  Sometimes I just feel like people don't want to commit because something better might come up.  

But I LOVE COWS!!! So, have a great cow day!!!

3:54 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I actually stayed last night and hung out with people at church.  It wasn't the original group that I was supposed to hang with, (sorry Shannon and Michelle) but it was such a good time.  We walked around White River State Park and ran through the sprinklers. So hillarious!  The only thing is, I don't stay most weeks because people just want to play volley ball. I hate volley ball. Walking was nice change. Plus, since it's a half hour drive for me to get home from the church, I usually just go home. The only bad thing was, I didn't eat dinner until 11:30.  Going from work at 6 to church at 7 doesn't really give me enough time to eat dinner.  I don't want to eat in front of people unless they are eating too. I had a bannana last night from the bannana split ingredients.  But I don't eat ice cream.  So, I sprayed a little bit of chocolate whip cream on my bannana.  How healthy. 

I finally got my car back today from getting the hail damage fixed. Now, If I can get the random red paint of my bumper from someone hitting my car, and a new windshield from the rock hitting my car on the highway, life will be great. 

12:15 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

2006-08-01 15:34:49 2006-08-01 19:34:49 open Publish post 514697964
- Wow, it's ben a while. Pechin6 Sun, 18 Jun 2006 23:46:11 -04:00 - When I went to Osco on Thursday, I bought two Sympathy Cards, a Baby Card, and a Wedding Present all at the same time.  That should tell ya how crazy my life has been lately.  Baby Riley was born on the 14th.  I bet he's a cutie! Yay for Brad and Vanessa!  Laura and Anthony got married on Thursday!  Yay for them!!  Uncle Leo died a week ish ago.  He wasn't my uncle, but that's just how every body knew him.

Friday, I watched Ben at Bonnarro from work. I love my job!!!

I got the hail damage extimates done on my car. Over 1,700 dollars. Wow. When I called the body shop, the girl said, I don't have any openings until December. I said, ummm... ok, well, I want to stay with your company so, I guess I'll make an appointment.  Then, she said, can you please hold?  I said, sure. She came back with a date of  July the 3rd.  That's cool!  Yay. I'll have a dentless car then.

Well, I must go eat my egg rolls.

2006-06-18 23:46:11 2006-06-19 03:46:11 open Publish post 498608756 - - 1 2006-07-12 14:23:00 2006-07-12 18:23:00 lyricalgus16 0 17844236 0 1136082345
- A Comment I made on Kelli's Xanga Pechin6 Tue, 23 May 2006 15:42:02 -04:00 -
I totally agree about the independance thing.  I have been doing my own thing for few years now, and I still get the comments from people that look down on me, or even my parents, who don't look down on me, but are actually very proud of me, who say things like, "We wish you had a partner to share things with."  I have chosen not to.  I chose to go to school, and focus on it.  I chose to leave the state for a job, and move back, for a job.  I chose my life.  Eventually, finding "someone to share it with," would be nice. But at the same time, I am happy and confident with myself as a women!  I bought my own car, without a man helping me. I picked my apartment. And eventually I will choose my own home and purchase it! 

OK. Off my soap box!!!  I'm so proud of you, Kelli!!! You ROCK!!!

2006-05-23 12:27:40 2006-05-23 16:27:40 open Publish post 488196880
- Crazy Day Pechin6 Sun, 21 May 2006 11:44:18 -04:00 - 2006-05-21 11:44:18 2006-05-21 15:44:18 open Publish post 487368297 - Radio Disney Pechin6 Fri, 19 May 2006 16:38:24 -04:00 - ]]> 2006-05-19 16:34:51 2006-05-19 20:34:51 open Publish post 486685340 - - 1 2006-05-20 14:07:00 2006-05-20 18:07:00 chocobogrl25 0 11654252 0 1080919030 - Wow. Pechin6 Tue, 16 May 2006 14:53:57 -04:00 - 2006-05-16 14:53:57 2006-05-16 18:53:57 open Publish post 485477804 - Work is excruciatingly BORING!! Pechin6 Wed, 03 May 2006 17:15:25 -04:00 - cakes on my nieces site for about a half hour the other day because we didn't have ANYTHING to do.  LOL.  Looking at cute great nieces was in there too.  I got my projects finished, except for the one ongoing one that's driving me INSANE. I refuse to work on that one today. I'll spend my whole day working on it tomorrow. I promise... uhuh...  ]]> 2006-05-03 17:15:25 2006-05-03 21:15:25 open Publish post 480494690 - Miss Indiana Pechin6 Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:45:13 -04:00 -  

I just radomly met Miss Indiana at my job.  She was pretty nice. And that's all I have to say on that.

2006-04-13 11:45:13 2006-04-13 15:45:13 open Publish post 471761860
- DOGS! Pechin6 Sun, 09 Apr 2006 22:57:04 -04:00 - Ok, so, there's this dog, probably a freakin' BEAGLE, that keeps walking around my apartment complex and HOWLING!  I HATE DOGS!  Especially ANNOYING HOWLERS!  At one point, it was standing RIGHT OUTSIDE OF MY PATIO DOOR, HOWLING!  UGH!  I love my quiet little kitty!  She's the cutest loving thing!  The loving cuddlelyness of a dog, but the QUIET meow of a kitty!  YAY! 

I'm gonna go out and freakin' shoot that dog in about two seconds!  Now, other dogs are joining in. I'm in HELL!  LOL. Right. OK. 

2006-04-09 22:57:04 2006-04-10 02:57:04 open Publish post 470196806
- ... Pechin6 Thu, 16 Mar 2006 21:09:03 -04:00 -
Current mood: sad

My brother past away today of cancer.  He had survived with is for four years.  It was time.  He had told everyone that last week.  I am surprisingly doing ok. I think.

2006-03-16 21:09:03 2006-03-17 02:09:03 open Publish post 458765467 - - 1 2006-03-16 21:30:00 2006-03-17 02:30:00 Amazing_Me 0 697929 0 1005400913 - - 1 2006-03-17 11:55:00 2006-03-17 16:55:00 Anonymous 0 -1 0 1006025351 - - 1 2006-03-19 19:14:00 2006-03-20 00:14:00 annetteclarinet 0 10373916 0 1009426918
- Very Confused... Pechin6 Mon, 13 Mar 2006 00:14:47 -04:00 - I had such a great weekend. Dieter, Mike, and Emily came Friday night.  All I have to say is that, EMILY and I are HILARIOUS!  Having a cool family is a good thing.  Dieter, Mike and I went to the Children's Museum on Saturday with some fighting... sort of, but I think we ended up having a good time. But can somebody please tell me when the top floor, the science floor, was changed into a load of crap geered toward three and four year olds?  That made me pretty upset, and that was the first floor we went to because I always go from the top and work my way down.  ARGH!  I was still so happy to see them.  Somebody actually drove the three ish hours and visited ME!  They're AMAZING! 

My brother is currently dieing... He's been sick from a brain tumor for four years.  I've been completely ok with it until this weekend.  My sister with Emily and Michael, went west to see him, and my mom and dad started driving to Utah to see him.  Yesterday, we were in the Indiana History room at the Museum, and the rush of how much my brother would LOVE this crap came over me.  The grief was over whelming.  Dieter and Mike didn't see it because they were looking at something else.  But later, we went to this place for dinner that is a lodge atmosphere, with animatronix animals and such every where.  It happened again.  It was a bit more obvious then.  I'm not as settled about this as I thought I was.  I just can't afford to fly out to Utah though.

On a HAPPY NOTE:  Kelly called me because she and all my Ben Buddies are at his concert in Wisconsin at the moment.  He was singing "Landed."  I LOVE BEN!

(I'm going to his concert here on Friday! YAY!)

2006-03-13 00:13:53 2006-03-13 05:13:53 open Publish post 456851720 - -
I'm going to have Saturdays off starting in May. That means I could come visit you if I left on Friday night after work. ( :]]>
1 2006-03-14 15:27:00 2006-03-14 20:27:00 oonboon 0 12165099 0 1001819527
- <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 07 Mar 2006 23:03:48 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><STRONG><EM><FONT face=Arial size=4>Five things thing</FONT></EM></STRONG><BR>What were you doing 10 years ago?<BR>I was in my senior year of high school.  Dance Team, Choir, Orchestra, Drama Club, and a part time job. <BR><BR>What were you doing 1 year ago? I worked at the same place but in Chicago.</P> <P><BR>Five snacks I enjoy: French fries, this bakery down the street that I just discovered and took my family to on Saturday, nachos, CAKE, honey mustard pretzels.</P> <P><BR>Five songs to which I know all the lyrics: Honestly, that's why we have Kareoake.  Ben is my absolute favorite, and I don't even know all of the worlds to any of his songs.</P> <P><BR>Five things I would do if I were a millionaire: First, I would by a lime green Honda Del Sol, that was in good shape.  Then, I would pay off my debts, and probably Mom and Dads, and Hopes.  Then, I would by a house.  Then, I would take a big train ride, and go Disney World and such. I hate to fly.  <BR></P> <P>Five bad habits:  My nails, they just break, then, I pick them. Not cleaning. Being three minutes late to work every day, buying everything in green, never going to bed.<BR><BR>Five things I like doing: knitting, watching tv shows on DVD, shopping, singing, dancing.<BR><BR>Five things I would never buy, wear, or get new again: tapered leg jeans, some of the show styles that are out right now are tragic. Food at Todi, VCR, anything from Bath and Body works, especially the lotion.</P> <P>Five favorite toys: Karaoke machine, DDR/PS2, my car, Computer, yarn/knitting needles.<BR>Here's the deal: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot:<BR><BR><BR>1. The Mama<BR>2. Soggy Cheerios<BR>3. It's a Beautiful morning<BR>4. <A href="" target="_new">Whacked and Cracked</A><BR>5. <A href="" target="_new">Pechin6<BR></A>And tag five people<BR>Kelly M.</P> <P>Brooke L.</P> <P>Jenny B.</P> <P>Rana</P> <P>Kelly P.</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2006-03-07 23:03:48</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2006-03-08 04:03:48</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>454374395</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[What were you doing 10 years ago?<BR/>Junior year HS. Little Shop of Horrors. Running the 2.5 mile.<BR/><BR/>What were you doing 1 year ago? Same exact thing I'm doing now, minus Ben Folds<BR/><BR/><BR/>Five snacks I enjoy: heads of lemon, ice cream, bbq chips, chocolate, cookies<BR/><BR/><BR/>Five songs to which I know all the lyrics: can I list 500 instead?<BR/><BR/>Five things I would do if I were a millionaire: 1) buy a Baldwin grand. 2) pay off debts 3) share with family/friends 4) new car 5) new house<BR/><BR/>Five bad habits: eating, keeping crazy hours, using the internet too much, thinking i suck at everything, and i can't think of anything else specific<BR/><BR/>Five things I like doing: piano, internet, tv/movies, driving, listening to music<BR/><BR/>Five things I would never buy, wear, or get new again: oh my gosh i have no idea.<BR/><BR/>Five favorite toys: the lappy, tv, dvd player, camera, ps2]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-03-14 15:25:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-03-14 20:25:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>1001817623</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title>Hmmmmm..... Pechin6 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 01:15:05 -05:00 - 2006-03-06 01:13:53 2006-03-06 06:13:53 open Publish post 453390766 - OOOOOOH, I get a title now. YAY! LOL Pechin6 Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:51:19 -05:00 -  

I got my CD's, Buffy Set, and GS Cookies all in the Same day. LOL Having three days off was wonderful.  I'm so glad I got to see so many people.  Mel's recital went Beatifully. 

I've decided I love this song:

Extraordinary machine

I certainly haven't been shopping for any new shoes, and
I certainly haven't been spreading myself around
I still only travel by foot and by foot, it's a slow climb
But I'm good at being uncomfortable so I can't stop changing all the time

I noticed that my opponent is always on the go, and
Won't go slow so's not to focus and I notice
He'll hitch a ride with any guide as long as they go fast from whence he came
But he's no good at being uncomfortable so he can't stop staying exactly the same

If there was a better way to go then it would find me
I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me
Be kind to me or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine

I seem to you to seek a new disaster every day
You deem me due to clean my view and be at peace and lay
I mean to prove I mean to move in my own way and say
I've been getting along for long before you came into the play

I am the baby of the family
It happens so everybody cares
And wears the sheeps' clothes while they chaperone
Curious you're looking down your nose at me while you appease
Courteous to try and help but let me set your mind at ease

If there was a better way to go then it would find me
I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me
Be kind to me or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine

Do I so worry you
You need to hurry to my side, it's very kind
But it's to no avail
I don't want the bail
I promise you everything will be just fine

If there was a better way to go then it would find me
I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me
Be kind to me or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine

If there was a better way to go then it would find me
I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me
Be kind to me or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine

2006-02-21 22:51:00 2006-02-22 03:51:00 open Publish post 447169945
- <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:43:39 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P> </P> <P>Going to Chicago this weekend. If anyone wants to go, it will be a Friday through Monday thing.  I'm exhausted. We're finally finished with 48 hr weeks at work, but that also means: I'm going to be poor. I really needed that overtime.  Well, the pair skating is back on, so, I must go.</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2006-02-13 22:43:09</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2006-02-14 03:43:09</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>442759382</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Yay Heather!  I am much excited for you to come!  Jennie]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-02-14 00:49:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-02-14 05:49:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>JennieB13</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>24485768</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>959518325</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 28 Jan 2006 13:07:04 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I guess for the miniscule amount of people, I should probably put something on here.  I do love you guys though.  This is my last 48 hr. work week for a while.  That makes me sad, cuz I'm poor.  I went Ice Skating last night.  That was fun.  The only thing is, I dreamed about ice skating the rest of the night, which made me exhausted.  After cleaning for a bit, after work and while the sun's still up, I think I might take a nap.  I'm supposed to go to a toga party tonight with a bunch of mormons.  How do you make togas modest?  Hmmmm.... let's not ponder this too long because our heads will start hurting.  I've done so many returns today, that I don't want to look at them ever again.  In all honesty, I got enough done that I don't have to look at them until Tuesday, which is awesome!  They keep playing loud thumping music next door at Paiges.  It's starting to get annoying.  Stupid drummers.   Well, I have to get back to working.  Later.]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2006-01-28 13:06:04</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2006-01-28 18:06:04</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>433822641</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Hang in there girl. Can't wait to see ya on the 18th!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-02-06 22:29:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-02-07 03:29:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>948584825</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 16 Jan 2006 00:40:47 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Someone once said, you choose to be offended.  Well, I'm choosing to be offended.  Something happened today at church, which really was pretty insignifigant, yet, it was an action that still hurts my feelings when I think about it.  I know it's stupid to even still be thinking about it, but I am.  I'm sick of having to work so hard to be social.  It's not even worth trying anymore.  Nobody cares.  Nobody there has even taken the time to get my email address or number.  I got people's numbers, and called one of them, and they never even called me back.  If I take the time out of my Monday night to go to FHE, they just play volleyball, which I REFUSE to play.  That's not a form of being social.  You can't have a conversation or even remotely get somebody's name by hitting a ball.  I still have YSA's from up north that call me every other day, or at least once a week, just to make sure I'm still alive.  I did find someone to go out with a couple weeks ago, but one of them barely spoke english.  They don't even go to the same meetings on Sunday, they go to the Spanish Branch.  I'm sure most of the people that read this have hardly a clue what I'm talking about, and I'm sorry. I just had to vent.</P> <P>The good news is, my tank cleaner fish that I thought was dead, reappeared out of nowhere, alive. </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2006-01-16 00:40:47</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2006-01-16 05:40:47</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>426754877</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 08 Jan 2006 21:15:55 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK, I'm averaging about one entry every couple weeks here.  Sorry  to the people who might actually read this thing.  My Mother called Friday at about five till six, when I get off at six, and said, "Dad and I might come by tomorrow.  We want to see the new apartment."  OK, ummmm... the about was a bit on the trashed side. The thing is, I didn't even come home to clean it. I went to the Mall to go to the Victoria Secret sale for the second time this week, the second mall I'd been to.  I ended up being in the Mall until it closed, practically.  When I was in VS, I saw Sarah Sallee.  I hadn't seen her since Brooke's wedding Shower or something.  It was nice to catch up with her.  Ya, so, I finally went home and started cleaning.  I had to work yesterday until four o'clock, which thankfully was all overtime!  Mom and Dad finally got here around five'ish, and Dad decided he was hungry.  We drove around, and he saw Joe's Crab Shack, which is usually pretty good.  He had never been before.  It's kind of on the expensive side for my family.  So, we go, and the server was absolutely terrible.  Her runner served our food to us dead, meaning, it sat under the heatlamp too long.  My dad's fries were dead.  He told the server that, and she just said, "Do you want more?"  Ya, since she never came to our table WHILE we were eating.  We barely got our drinks refilled.  Except she offered dad a new beer, of course, because that costs more money.  ARGH!  It's so hard for me to get my parents to go these places in the first place.  THEN, crap like this happens.  They would rather go to McDonald's.  I told them to call the manager of the store.  I almost tried to find one while we were there.  ALL of the other tables around us, came after us and go their food before us.  </P> <P>Anyway, after that, we went to Target and I bought "Big Fish."  Mom really liked it, but dad fell asleept about when it started.  Mom wanted dad to watch it, so, they took it home with them.  Dad helped me get the vacuum they bought me for Christmas set up.  It was a pretty good visit. </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2006-01-08 20:08:58</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2006-01-09 01:08:58</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>422651529</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Hey Pechin. Yikes!<BR/><BR/>Just wanted to let you know, if you don't have Perth yet, you can download the entire thing in mp3 form off my ftp. enjoy!<BR/><BR/>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-01-13 15:06:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-01-13 20:06:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>907906326</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 02 Jan 2006 01:56:28 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><FONT color=#40ffff>OK, It's been a while, but</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#00ff00>HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>I think I'm going to put some year goals up here, not resolutions, because they never seem to work out.</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Loose more weight</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>See Ben at least twice</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Get a spiffy new hair style, aside from long highligted. </FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Eat healthier in general.  </FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Get more out of debt.</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>More excersize.</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Get a better sleep schedule.</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Get rid of something every month or so (Clothes and such.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Revamp my fish tank (It's been in sad shape since I moved.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>Start giving voice lessons.</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#40ffff>I can't think of anything off of the top of my head. </FONT></P> <P> </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2006-01-02 01:56:28</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2006-01-02 06:56:28</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>418732768</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[WHAT UP GIRL, for some reason, I am not receiving anyones Xanga messages :(  Happy Happy New Year]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-01-03 13:59:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-01-03 18:59:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>890946092</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[That sounds like a good list!<BR/><BR/>Hey, you can see Ben at Summerfest with us, so that is at least once! And I have an 'in' - I know someone who can get us tickets for only 5 bucks, and save us some awesome seats!<BR/><BR/>HAPPY FUCKIN NEW YEAR!<BR/><BR/>LOL.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-01-03 23:10:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-01-04 04:10:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>892187782</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[oh you know what else? i was thinkin it's kinda unfair that i get to read your journal and you don't know about mine. if you wanna visit it sometime:<BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/>We can keep up with each other this way. I like it.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2006-01-03 23:12:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2006-01-04 04:12:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>892191716</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 11 Dec 2005 15:36:41 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I saw NEIL DIAMOND on Friday night!!! That was awesomely hilarious.  My sister emailed and said, "If I can get tickets to go, you wanna?" That was Friday day.  I said, "OF COURSE!"  LOL.  What a superstar!  </P> <P>Today, we had a work Christmas Lunch.  We went to Lake Lagoon Lodge.  OH SO TASTY!!!  I had the greatest Creme Broule.  Yum.  I might have to take a nap, you know, the after food coma.  I'm waiting for the Colts to win first though.  The inevitable.  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-12-11 15:36:41</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-12-11 20:36:41</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>404692525</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[AWESOME<BR/><BR/>and<BR/><BR/>YUMMERS!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-12-12 01:40:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-12-12 06:40:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>848487402</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 08 Dec 2005 00:13:10 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I was laying in bed last night and reading "Time" magazine last night, and out of nowhere, was a sign!  There was an article on the best TV shows on dvd, and there it was, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer:  The Chosen One!"  I am so buying that, as soon as I am UNPOOR.  I have gone so many years without cable, I have decided, it's worth it!!! Please, I don't get my fix anymore, because none of the stations here play it.  Sometimes, it's the little things in life that can get me the most excited!<IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-12-08 00:13:10</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-12-08 05:13:10</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>402430002</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 02 Dec 2005 01:38:28 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I'm currently sitting here watching Billy Joel on Conan and thinking how much more I love Ben..... LOL.  It's just not the same effect/affect, either. I had today off, because I have to work Saturday, and I ended up sleeping most of my day away.  Wow. Now, Kristin Chenowith in another Old Navy commercial.  I don't even shop there anymore.  I haven't been impressed.  I did buy something there in October, but I only spent like twelve dollars.  I used to be the BIGGEST Old Navy advocate.  But then, they wouldn't hire me, yet they would hire my old roomate, who has no fashion since whatsover.  Maybe it was just the fact that I didn't have a tall 'ish slender body or something.  The store just lost it's gleam in it's eye after a while.  Shopping for clothes in general doesn't really interest me that much anymore.  It's like I'm too old for the teenie bopper clothes and to young for the women's department.  There's no real happy medium.  Even the "professional" look doesn't interest me anymore.  In fact, I got a "warning" we'll call it, from my old manager that the people at this branch dress much nicer than that one, that I may need to watch my wardrobe, sort of.  Ummm... ok.  These people wear jeans almost everyday of the week.  Well, I might just try to take another nap before I have to go to work tomorrow. ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-12-02 01:38:28</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-12-02 06:38:28</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>398658178</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Of course I agree. Other piano muscians just don't have what Ben has...<BR/><BR/>yay naps!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-12-12 01:40:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-12-12 06:40:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>848487137</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 28 Nov 2005 00:22:33 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK, so, I read an article in the Bloomington Herald this weekend (who would have thought?) that the original Mimi is pregnant (that's why she got too "big" for the role, jeremy), and she was too old since the role is age specific.  The original Joanne also decided that she was way to old for the role.  So, I answered my own questions this weekend (actually my sister did when she handed me the article and said, "This one is more favorable than the last one.")  </P> <P>I went back to Bloomington, and we went to see Harry Potter.  It was pretty good.  It's getting harder for me because they are cutting so many pertinant things that were in the books.  But I'll get over it.  Two movies in one week is a miracle!  I hardly go once every other month, let alone twice in one week!  YAY!  </P> <P>I don't get Stargate Atlantis, yet, I am still attracted to it, and keep watching it every Sunday night.  (It kinda took the place of Buffy since that's not on here.  I miss her...)  There's also another weird show on afterward that I end up watching to.  Something like hitchhiker joe or something.  I can't remember the title, but there are all of these weird aliens and puppet aliens that somebody like Jim Henson probably created.  I'm just so sucked in...</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-11-28 00:22:33</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-11-28 05:22:33</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>396040044</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 26 Nov 2005 03:43:10 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I went to see Rent on Wednesday!  It was pretty awesome!  It was sad that they took out the singing answering machine messages, but in the stage production, they make some things make more since.  In the movie, since you can change the scene, you don't really need them all, I guess.  I had a really good time though.  My sister, niece, and my niece's boyfriend all came with me.  I think the reason it was so hard was, because I've seen the stage production three times, the last time in Terre Haute when Mimi was played by an Asian actress.  Ya.... that worked.... uhuh..... anyway.  I think that casting agent was confused on what spanish babies were.... Oh, ya.  Who was the original Mimi anyway, and what happened to her?  I mean, that's a big enough roll, but nobody has ever kept up with her.  Joanne either.... I loved Idina though!  I kept thinking, "Damn, I wish she was painted green!"  Plus, my sister and I moooed when we were supposed to.... "Mooo with me people!"  </P> <P>We went to Ramsey's house (Emily's Boyfriend) for Thanksgiving.  His mom is Lebonese. (Which I probably spelled wrong.)  She didn't cook all of the traditional Thanksgiving foods.  It was still really good.  Comments kept being made about "traditional foods" and such.  I just kept thinking, ya, that's just stupid.  Traditional doesn't have to be the expectation.  That food was traditional for their family.  I guess will are still planning to have another Thanksgiving on Sunday with the "traditional" foods.  </P> <P>My dad has been in the hospital with internal bleeding getting blood transfusions.  I guess they released him today, but they still can't figure out what is going on.   </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-11-26 03:43:10</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-11-26 08:43:10</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>394780461</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[According to the rent's fan website she has gotten too large to play the role!  hahaha    I loved it! I cried at the end]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-11-27 08:21:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-11-27 13:21:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>JeremyLorton</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>7697555</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>819894178</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 14 Nov 2005 00:29:20 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><FONT color=#00ffff>I had a pretty good weekend.  I went to my sister's on Friday to go Kareokeing with her, but on the way, there was this HUGE accident.  So, a drive that is now only about an hour, turned into almost three. Being stuck in traffic sucks.  It was just like being in Chicago.  It was awful.  When I finally got there, we went to Kareoake at the new hick bar.  Interesting.  We did get to sing a lot which was nice.  Then, I watched some of Second Hand Lions as I tried to fall asleep.  The next day, we came to Indy to meet some of my sister's friends that she knows from the internet.  One of them was from Louisianna, so, she was very interesting to talk to.  The other guy was nice.  We ordered a bottle of wine at dinner, and I ended up drinking a lot of it.  I kept saying, "I'm tipsy."  So, when we had to stop in Greenfield before heading back to Bloomington, I was feeling pretty loopy. Then, we headed back to Bloomington, falling asleep on the way, (both of us, I was freezing because she had the window open and the ac on. LOL.)  Then, I came home, and ended up watching the rest of Second Hand Lion, except, my sister had turned the timer on, and it turned off two minutes before the end.  Woke up this morning, ran some errons, and came home and watched the rest of the movie.  I hung out in Bloomington the rest of the day.  Got home and watched Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.  Wow. OK. Now, I should probably go to bed, so, I can make it to work tomorrow.</FONT></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-11-14 00:29:20</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-11-14 05:29:20</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>386976087</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[I remember that movie. I think I liked it.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-11-18 03:59:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-11-18 08:59:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>801868813</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P> are you?   I came back to work over my break and was like  I knew u would be gone, but it was still really different without u!  Anway, just saying hi...hope all is well, ttyl</P> <P>Ashlyn</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-11-23 15:07:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-11-23 20:07:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>ash555</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5312960</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>812245490</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 06 Nov 2005 18:15:08 -05:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<FONT color=#18a718>So, yesterday was Kidney day.  I failed to mention that in my entry yesterday. Ooops. Anyway, Mark came over, and we visited for a time.  This morning Kelly came over and took me to breakfast.  That was awesome!  After that, I was pretty much lazy and laid around for the rest of the day.  Hooray for SIX YEARS!  That's a long time!  Thank you working kidney and person who gave it to me!</FONT>  <IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-11-06 18:15:08</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-11-06 23:15:08</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>382154709</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[YAYNESS!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-11-09 23:43:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-11-10 04:43:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>786671073</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Oh balls! I missed kidney day?! Lame ASS! Give me a call sometime and I will make a seriously valid attempt at getting to Indy to see you. Luv ya!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-11-10 20:43:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-11-11 01:43:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>788077504</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 05 Nov 2005 13:17:32 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK, I've been in Indiana a week.  It's not so bad.  Kassie Kitty is loosing her mind with all fo the wild kitties and dogs that live in the neighborhood.  The cats come right up to the window and tease her.  Poor kitty.  So traumatising.  My sister came last night and stayed the night.  Emily came last weekend to help me get everything close to its place.  That was cool.  I have way too much stuff.  I wish I knew more about the area.  It's hard to have to start exploring all over again.  Last night we found a Meijer and a bunch of other stuff including a movie theatre. Mark has already stood me up once.  Eventhough he was in the emergency room, I'm so sick of guys standing me up. I know that sounds really mean, but it's the truth.  The people at work are pretty nice.  I do miss overtime.  Right now, the Chicago branch employees are required to do three hours of overtime a week.  Ahhh, miss that.  Call me crazy, but I liked overtime!  I got talked to about a half hour yesterday.  Wow.  That was just customers not leaving at six o'clock when they're supposed to.  I can't handle having to be talked to about that ever week.  I'll put my foot down!  LOL. ok, sure. Anyway, this has just been an entry of random thoughts.  If you need to get ahold of me, the cell is still the same number.  </P> <P> </P> <P> </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-11-05 13:17:32</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-11-05 18:17:32</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>381333806</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Oct 2005 14:21:30 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK Guys. Last entry from Illinois.  Tomorrow, I will be in Indiana as a resident.  Then, I start at Pepper there on Monday.  Yay!  I'll miss everyone here, but at the same time, it's time to go.  </P> <P>Last night I saw Ben in Concert at the Chicago Theatre, Downtown. AMAZING!  Well, see y'all on the other side!</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-10-28 14:21:30</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-10-28 18:21:30</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>376269893</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Awwwww I will miss you Pechin! We will come visit soon!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-10-29 02:51:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-10-29 06:51:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>764618078</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:37:47 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Go see Serenity!  It was AWESOME!  </P> <P>I totally didn't wake up for two alarms this morning. I was late to work.  It sucked.</P> <P>Now, I'm trying to pack.  The move has been changed to Saturday the 29th.  I still would love help!  I'll buy you pizza and stuff!</P> <P>argh</P> <P> </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-10-20 00:37:47</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-10-20 04:37:47</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>370920499</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[You come get me...and bring me back, and I would be delighted to help. But my tires are super bad so I can't drive there myself. Maybe when you actually move you can swing by the ol' Haute and pick me up and I can help then. Anyway, love ya sweetie!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-10-20 03:21:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-10-20 07:21:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>748374773</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Don't forget to tell me if you are coming to BEN Thursday night!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-10-20 23:29:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-10-21 03:29:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>749979174</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Oct 2005 20:26:32 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Friday, I got a migraine. It sucked. I came home from work, took a bunch of drugs, and fell asleep.  Then, the Bachelerette, from the Bachelerette Party I was supposed to be at called me and asked where I was.  So, I got up and met her at the party.  Her party.  I felt better than, and made it through the night.  I went into work to pick up some boxes for moving supplies, and came back home.  The headache started coming back.  I took some sudafed, and met everybody for the corn maze.  It was a good time, but the headache got worse.  I got into Mike's truck and laid back with my head in agony.  He got me back to town.  I came home, toook more drugs, and went back to sleep.  I didn't get up until about noon today.  I have not even packed today, like I needed to be.  I've been watching Firefly instead (a Joss Whedon production, you know, the guy that invented Buffy and Angel.)  Brooke said I needed to watch this before she would take me to see Serenity.  The movie from the series.  Hopefully, I can accomplish this by Tuesday.  Then, all of my energies will be focussed on packing.  I'm moving on the 28th.  Somebody finally made a decission.  I actually have an Indianapolis address now.  If you want it, call me, or ask.  If anybody and help me move in that area, that would be AWESOME!  Help me.... PLEASE!  Well, I have to finish this episode before Deperate Housewives.</P> <P> </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-10-16 20:28:27</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-10-17 00:28:27</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>368803162</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Yay Serenity! I'm going to ask Colin to join us, but I doubt he will!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-10-18 00:49:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-10-18 04:49:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>744577225</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 04 Oct 2005 20:59:59 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I'm so sick of my move being pushed back.  This sucks.  I can't go to Homecoming because Phil and Wendy are getting married that weekend.  Which is going to be super fun, but I am going to miss every one at ISU.  ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-10-04 20:59:59</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-10-05 00:59:59</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>360973266</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[I'm so sad you're not going to homecoming :(  Thanks for still buying the sweatshirt tough.  Its going to be $23.  Just send the check to ISU and Flynn will get it.  Since you won't be at homecoming how do you want be to get the shirt to you? ]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-10-07 14:30:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-10-07 18:30:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>724780094</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Yo Pechin!<BR/><BR/>I gotta tell you all about lunch with Colin ( : <BR/><BR/>I did ask him if he was interested in the Ben concert, and he was, but the ticket price was out of his budget range. <BR/><BR/>SO.<BR/><BR/>It's yours if you want it. $45 bucks. It's at the Chicago theatre, and despite the special promotion for getting tix I had, the seats aren't that great. Row E. But it goes AA-PP before the single letters even start. Doh.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-10-10 02:33:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-10-10 06:33:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>729649647</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 03 Oct 2005 03:33:26 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><FONT color=#0000ff>For my birthday, I had a lot of people in my little apartment, playing ddr and eating cake!  What a good time!  Then, the next day, I sang in church.  So, many people kept saying things, like:  "You've been hiding your light," and "We never knew you could sing!"  Ummm... HELLO, I have a damn degree in music.  You never asked!  I also got comments like, "You made this Sacrement meeting so spiritual!"  Ah, jeeze, thanks!  Somedays, I just think, you guys are lucky I don't go down the street and sing every Sunday, where Gary offered to pay me.  Give me a break!  I need the extra money as it is.  I was explaining to a friend at church about how people go inactive because, A:  they get burned out, or B:  they get offended.  Then, this week, the meeting she didn't go to, the teacher talked about how selfish it was to not go to church because of those reasons.  Ummmmm... ya, some people just need to keep their SANITY!  If to stop going for a while does it, let them.  It's hard to be socially "on" all the time.  The imaginary front one must put up to go to church.  Not a lie, but just to have to be a "nice  person" constantly.  My friend is both, been offended, and warn out.  But I think she's trying so hard to be an example to her parents and family, she won't just stop going.  She's to the point, she's scheduling classes on purpose over weekly activities.  I think that's just gonna wear her down in another way.  Anyway, I've finally met someone who just got back from his mission, yet, has his own mind.  Wow.  Good for  him.  </FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#0000ff>I'm going to Indiana next weekend.  My sister is turning 40.  YAY!  I will always be 13 years younger.  But I'll still party with her!  </FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#0000ff>My baby kitty is laying here, watching me type, slowly trying to get my attention.  We better go to bed.</FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#0000ff>  </FONT></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-10-03 03:33:26</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-10-03 07:33:26</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>359826959</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 27 Sep 2005 02:07:49 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>My Birthday was an AWESOME good time!  Yay!  Except for the headache that didn't go away until right when my party started.  More details later.</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-09-27 02:07:49</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-09-27 06:07:49</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>355958783</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Happy belated birthday sweetie!!! Luv ya!!!!!!!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-27 12:47:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-27 16:47:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>706606829</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[HEYYY!!! How are ya??  School is good...i am trying to  I dunno when ur b-day was...but HAPPY B-DAY!!!  I know i am late...but its the thought that counts right?  lol  Ok well u are stuck at work right now and i am just relaxing in my dorm...waiting to go to class.....HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA no im kidding...Hope all is well.  e-mail me sometime <a href="#comment"></A>  BYE]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-27 15:59:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-27 19:59:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>ash555</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5312960</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>706822610</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[You can send the check to the chapter once I figure out how much these things are going to cost.  Homecoming is Oct 22, yay!!!  Oh by the way happy birthday!!<IMG height=15 src="/Images/happy.gif" width=15>  Sorry I suck... ]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-29 16:50:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-29 20:50:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>710525424</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 22 Sep 2005 01:39:54 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<FONT color=#ffff00>OK, so, I took the missionaries out for chinese food tonight.  My fortune cookie was disappointing because it had the same thing as one of theirs.  It said, something about absent friends coming back into my life.  I went to institute and came home, looked at my machine, and low and behold there was a message.  I thought, well, it must be Mel looking for me, because she was having a bad day.  I play the message, and it was MARK, who hasn't called me since about the time I moved here.  <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff0000">FREAKY!</FONT>  I called him back, and we talked for over and hour and forty five minutes.</FONT>  <IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-09-22 01:39:54</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-09-22 05:39:54</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>352678399</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[WHOA! Your log turned into some sort of freaky rainbow!<BR/><BR/>OW MY EYES!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-24 00:29:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-24 04:29:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>700335860</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 18 Sep 2005 00:48:05 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" color=#4040ff>Any body need an apartment?! I need to get rid of mine!  It's HUGE! I need a subleasee.... BAD!</FONT>  </FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#0000ff>OK, so, talk about stepping out of my box.  I took a freakin' catapult, and sprung myself to the Great Wall of China.  The guy at the ticket counter at the movie tonight looked so familiar.  I talked to him for a minute, you know, cheerful banter while buying my ticket, and we talked about DDR.  After I walked away, I said to Jennie and Annah, "He looks so familiar.  Where do I know him from?"  We went to the movie, and I was still thinking about it.  So, after the movie, he was still selling tickets to the last shows as we were walking out.  The whole time, me saying to Annah and Jennie, I should go talk to him.  Jennie said, "Yes, you should!" and started pulling on the entrance doors to get back in.  They were locked, so, we just kept walking.  I was still talking about him, as Annah left, to Jennie.  She finally talked me into going to talk to him.  So, we waited outside the exit doors for someone to come out.  A lady eventually did, so, we ran in the door.  He had disappeared.  I found some random guy cleaning and asked where he was.  The cleaning dude said that the familiar guy was counting his drawer upstairs.  So, we waited for about fifteen minutes or more, and he finally appeared.  I talked to him, invited him to my party next Saturday, and he gave me his number.  I have not been so nervous in ages!  Walking up to a random guy, saying, "You look so familiar. Where do I know you from?"  and then, inviting him to a party.  Wow. I mystify myself. </FONT></P> <P><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT> </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-09-18 00:48:05</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-09-18 04:48:05</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>349990510</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Oh My God!  I actually talked to people at karaoke tonight.  We must have been psychic-ing.  I had TWO Diet Cokes purchased for me and danced with a guy TWICE AND AND AND... I talked to Jim!!!!!!!!!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-18 03:18:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-18 07:18:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>purpleflop</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5326791</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>689885704</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Not Purpleflop - It must log in auto.  You know Purpleflop wouldn't think it was a big deal to talk to anybody!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-18 03:19:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-18 07:19:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>purpleflop</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5326791</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>689886276</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:22:29 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #8f3060" color=#ffff00>OK, so, it's been a weird last couple of weeks.   I've gotten an offer from work to transfer to Indiana, and I took it.  Now, if I could get a real final date for all of this.  I spent the last weekend in Indiana looking for an apartment.  I think I found somewhere, but I can't sign anything until work finalyzes this crap.  </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #8f3060" color=#ffff00>Monday night I got a yahoo messenger invite from this guy.  I read his profile, and decided to accept.  I finally got to talking to him after a bit of back and forth, so, I asked, why do you want me on your buddy list, and he said, wait. You invited me.  I said, ummm... no.  So, anyway, he said, Pechin.  I have some cousins in Utah with that name, and I said, wait.  That's my brother.  This is so messed up.  It turns out that he's my sister in law's nephew.  CRAZY!  </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #8f3060" color=#ffff00>Sunday night, I got home and one of my Danio fish was laying on his side, not breathing.  So, I got out the fish net, and scooped him out.  He still wasn't moving or breathing.  So, I flipped him in the toilet.  All the sudden, he was swimming, and started swimming down the toilet.  I tried to scoop him up, but the net was too big for the opening.  So, I turn it around, and start scooping at him with the handle.  I get him out.  He's been fine ever since, alive and swimming.  That was strange, and hilarious!  </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #20dfdf" color=#ffff00>Happy Birthday, Ben! (All yesterday and stuff, sorry.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #8f3060" color=#ffff00>This weather is giving me a allergy head ache, again.  I'm going to go drug myself.</FONT></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-09-13 22:22:29</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-09-14 02:22:29</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>347429839</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[yeah, that happened to me once (the fish story) except it wasn't my fish, it was burgie's... it was a beta in one of those plastic fish bowls and the cats had knocked it over and i thought the fish was dead b/c it wasn't moving (i wasn't sure how long it wasn't in the water). so i flopped him into the toilet and low and behold he wasn't dead. hilarious, i tell ya.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-13 23:04:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-14 03:04:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>sparkieprincessnatarie</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>732518</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>682996248</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[So the guy online- was it Travis, Karen's nephew?]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-09-14 21:47:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-15 01:47:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>purpleflop</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5326791</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>684538529</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 02 Sep 2005 14:42:30 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<FONT color=#ffff00>Well, in about two hours, I'll be on my way to Indiana.  Tomorrow, I'll be working in the Indianapolis branch. So, if anyone is bored, come and see me.  We're open from 9-4. I'll be there Tuesday, 10-6.  What fun.  It shall be a good time... I hope. But tonight, I'm going to pick up Emily, and then, we're on the way to see Justin.  YAY!  I haven't seen him in a couple years.  What a good time!</FONT>  ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-09-02 14:42:30</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-09-02 18:42:30</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>339850484</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 31 Aug 2005 00:18:32 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff0080" color=#8020df>wow, this looks weird all the sudden, like my Web Tools are working.  They've never worked on this computer before.  So, I'm exhausted, but I think Ben is going to be on tonight, so, I'm going to stay awake to find out.  People are crazy.</FONT>  ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-08-31 00:18:32</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-08-31 04:18:32</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>338194026</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 28 Aug 2005 02:51:07 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Tonight was such a great time!  We had a boat dance on lake Michigan.  There were even fireworks.  And randomly, even though Gabriel hasn't called me in weeks, he called me when I was on my way to make sure I was going.  Weird.  Emily came up from Purdue and went.  That was awesome!  We had so much fun!  Running up and down Navy Pier looking for "Wicked" fans.  Ya, we were denied.  Then, we danced for two hours straight!  She is the best niece ever!  If the other nine nieces, and eight great nieces hear this, they will probably be pissed off.  But she's the only one that puts effort into coming to visit me.  She got in a car full of strangers from church just to come hang out with me.  She's awesome!  I don't know if I could day that.  Well, I have to take a nap, so, I can get up for church in the morning.  Oh, and I wish Kassie Kitty would quit being a billemic kitty.  She's driving me nuts! ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-08-28 02:51:07</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-08-28 06:51:07</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>336162429</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>Cool.</P> <P>I wondered how Em got there until you said the stranger part.  I guess they were Mormon strangers, then.</P> <P>Michael and I just got back from Deanna's weddding.  I'm pooped.  I worked my ass off.  I remember why they call it "maid" of honor.</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-08-28 03:23:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-08-28 07:23:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>purpleflop</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5326791</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>652378774</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[let me know everything you can about your apartment...<BR/><BR/>email me at]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-08-31 21:53:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-09-01 01:53:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>hawaiiandaz</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>788254</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>659499432</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 21 Aug 2005 14:12:49 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I finally finished Potter 6!  Now, I can go back and read all of the last four weeks of Time magazine my dad decided to subscribe for me.  I can also read the new Cosmo I bought last week.  Basically, I can go back to living a normal life, and stop worrying about what's going to happen in the Potter book.  Wow, I didn't realize it was disrupting my life that much.  It's just a book.  </P> <P>Friday night, Jenny, her brother Matt, and I Ballooned Merideth's car.  Merideth is going back to college, so, we decided to do something for her.  "Ballooning" was the decision.  We blew up balloons and put cute notes and hershey kisses in them.  Then, her sister left her car unlocked for us, so, we filled it with all of these balloons.  And now, "Ballooning" is an official verb!  LOL. <BR></P> <P>Yesterday, I went to some dunes in Michigan. Lake Michigan was absolutely gorgeous!  I got sunburned.  Then, I went bowling with Mike, Amy, and Frank.  I got my highest score EVER!  Don't laugh, but it was a 108.  LOL. Ok, I'm laughing.  It's just bowling, which, I love to do.  It's so freakin' expensive to bowl around here.  I feel bad, because I was supposed to go bowling for Vanessa's Birthday shindig.  But Mike offered to drive, so, I didn't have to go looking for some place I didn't have a clue how to get to by myself.  </P> <P>Well, the secret is finally out.  The people at church now know, that I can direct a choir and sing.  Then, Elder Wheeler volunteered me to be the ward choir director.  (If you remember from previous posts, the choir is on a volunteer basis, and pitiful.  But they're singing for God, right?)  First, the question was, "You sing.  Wanna sing a solo?"  My answer was yes.  Then, the person I was talking to said, "Wow, I was just kidding."  That's when Elder Wheeler chimed in about the whole degree in music thing and all.  We'll see what's going to happen.  </P> <P>Well, Kassie Kitty is loving me because she's hungry.  I should probably go feed her.  She's going to be extremely happy, because I only have canned food today.  <BR></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-08-21 14:12:49</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-08-21 18:12:49</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>331650084</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 09 Aug 2005 23:09:15 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Let's see.... let's take something that's extremely healthy like say, zuchinni, and then, batter dip it and fry it.  There we have it!  The most unhealthy veggitable ever! It's awesome!  This diet thing isn't going so well.... Anyway, I'm going to be in Terre Haute on Friday to pick up a fixed car. yay.... So, much driving planned.  argh. </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-08-09 23:09:15</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-08-10 03:09:15</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>323602996</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 07 Aug 2005 21:26:07 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Well, I did hang out with Lena for a little bit. She came over and we finished the project we wanted to do.  That was cool.  Saturday we went down town.  That was a good time.  Lena, Merideth, Carrie, Aaron, and Todd went with me.  We ordered Giodonell's Pizza on the train on the way there, walked over, picked it up, and had the pizza in the park.  Then, we went to Gharridelli's and had ice cream.  After that, we walked down the beach to Navy Pier to watch the fireworks.  It was such a good time!  I need to go down town more often.  I just wish I wasn't so broke.  I went the the "World Pedigoji Conference" yesterday for work. (Obviously, I can't spell the word Pedigoji.)  I saw Janet Lyman there, but her name isn't Lyman anymore.  That was interesting.  She gave me this huge hug, like she totally missed me or something.  I never even had the woman for a class.  I just knew her from a Namm trip or two.  Anyway, she kept asking me over and over, who I still talk to at I.S.U.  That was kind of wierd. Anyway, that was a good time too.  I hope I get paid more often for things like that.  </P> <P>Today, I went to church.  Then, I spent the rest of the day at the pool and napping.  I was trying to get rid of the stupid tan lines that I got from Cedar Point.  </P> <P>Oh, Courtney, If you read this still.... I'm never gonna finish Potter 6.  I only get about ten pages down a day or less.  I'm so freakin' exhausted, I fall asleep and the ten pound book hits me in the head!  I'm surprised I dont have big black eyes from it or something.  Anyway, if I ever do finish it, I still want to see that web site!  <IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-08-07 21:26:07</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-08-08 01:26:07</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>322006015</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Just let me know.....I have those links saved!!!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-08-07 22:22:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-08-08 02:22:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>violagrl237</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>708721</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>612823046</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>Of course you can crash at my place. I'm always happy to see my Pechin. I'll be working from 3-11 though, but I have Saturday off!<BR/>Luv ya, <BR/>~~JOSH~~</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-08-08 01:42:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-08-08 05:42:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>613239556</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 04 Aug 2005 16:59:19 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I hate stupid people. Especially when they're wrong and they're trying to tell me I am wrong.  Get over yourselves.  I'm supposed to hang out with Leno tonight, but I don't think I'm going to feel well enough to.]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-08-04 16:59:19</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-08-04 20:59:19</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>319842528</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 28 Jul 2005 21:06:39 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Today has been a weird day.  I got to the Reading Session this morning, and certain persons started barking orders at me.  Ya, I'm done with that.  Then, I had been their about and hour and a half, and they were like, "OK, you can go back to the store now."  How boring.  I got a God Damn degree in this, and they let someone else stay.  That's bull shit.  This person is going to read this and be pissed off at me, but yet, right now, I really don't care.  Anyway, I'm back at the store, doing nothing... I mean, absolutely nothing... So... freaking... bored... I'm glad I get to stay at the reading session all day tomorrow, and all day Saturday!</P> <P>Kirtland was fun, except Mike's brother was an ass the whole time.  He even made me cry.  But Cedar Point was fun, eventhough, I don't like Rollercoasters.  I did ride one.  I went to see the shows that were put together by one of the old choral directors at my high school.  This guy got up and stage and said, "Hi, I'm Brandon Kenectel!"  I turned to my friend and said, "HE WENT TO MY HIGH SCHOOL!"  LOL.  She was like, ummm.... ok.  Anyway, that was kind of fun to see, and I stopped and talked to him afterward.  That was interesting.  </P> <P>I had so much fun at the wedding this weekend!  Awesome!  CONGRADULATIONS Brooke and Jeremy!  You two are great!  I was so happy to see everybody.  And the picture Matt took at the party afterward of Chris, Mike, and me is HILARIOUS!  I'll have to put it up here some time.  It was really nice to catch up with such awesome people.  Good cake too!  </P> <P>Dave O. and I were talking, and he asked me if I was bored with my job.  He nailed it right on the head.  I am bored out of my mind, which is giving me too much time to think how much I hate not having anything to do.  I've looked at other jobs, but they all say that I would have to have two to three years experience.  I told Denise in the beginning that I was only giving Pepper three years and then moving on.  Something has got to happen.  <IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-07-28 17:38:26</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-07-28 21:38:26</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Private</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>314875124</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 22 Jul 2005 17:49:33 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>So much has happened in the last couple weeks. I've been to Kirtland, OH and saw some really awesome stuff there.  I've also seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Such a good time, and so TRIPPY!  </P> <P>I just had random people walk in and ask if they could buy vanilla beans.  I said, "Umm... No."  He said, "So, what do you sell?"  And I said, "Sheet Music."  And he said, "Oh. I guess you can't help me!"  That's hilarious.  I thought he was joking at first and was going to ask for a Bassoon piece or something.  Craziness!  </P> <P>Well, tomorrow is Brooke and Jeremy's big day!  I can't wait to see everybody!  It's going to be such a good time!  I'll expand later on the whole Kirtland trip.  There's too much to talk about to do it at work.  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-07-22 17:49:33</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-07-22 21:49:33</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>310648633</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Brooke as in me? My 'big day' was the past Wed. LOL.<BR/><BR/>Hope you're having fun at the wedding!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-07-23 18:51:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-07-23 22:51:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>583143803</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 12 Jul 2005 22:13:26 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Work truly sucked on Friday. Thanks, Ashlyn for the comment. I wish we could sniff together too!  Having to do the work of three people sucks!  Hmm.... and if I have too answer another damn question about the system that we learned in the first three weeks, I'm going to hurt people!  Seriously, people need to start doing there own jobs, when they're scheduled to do them!  OK. Enough of that.</P> <P>So, I'm going to Ohio this week.  Friday, Cedar Point, and then, Saturday, Kirtland.  It should be interesting.  I'm going with people from church.  It will be interesting to see if I can go that many days without cussing!  Well, I'm getting better, but that's a long time!  </P> <P>Friday, I went to a dance at church, and then, I went to a latin resturaunt in Lincoln and went dancing some more with Gabriel.  It was a good time, aside from a mishap or two in spanish, which I definitely don't know... yet.  Then, Saturday, he went to the Sox game with me, which was a work outing.  That was a pretty good time.  The fireworks were awesome!  That was the weekend.  </P> <P>Other than that, I'm just trying not to seriuosly kill people at work.</P> <P> </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-07-12 22:13:26</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-07-13 02:13:26</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>303601914</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 08 Jul 2005 17:26:30 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[This place is going to turn me into a glue sniffing alcoholic!<IMG height=22 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-07-08 17:26:30</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-07-08 21:26:30</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>300644027</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[omg me too......we can go on break and sniff together!  Too bad we do not have the same lunch.......]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-07-12 17:02:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-07-12 21:02:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>ash555</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5312960</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>562173117</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 03 Jul 2005 13:43:44 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I've tried to upload my pic of us, and xanga keeps saying it's over three mb's. Well, it's only one.... <IMG height=22 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-07-03 13:43:44</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-07-03 17:43:44</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>296875645</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[No picture should be anywhere near even 1 MB. If you e-mail it to me I can resize it for you.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-07-06 01:53:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-07-06 05:53:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>550019891</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 01 Jul 2005 02:34:47 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I just saw "Wicked" with Anna Gastyer as ELPHABA!!!  It was awesome!  Then, Emily and I stayed after and met her and got our picture with her!!! YAY! ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-07-01 02:34:47</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-07-01 06:34:47</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>295375902</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:04:53 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>My cousin sent me this little story. I thought I would share it. </FONT></P> <P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>RACISM - EXCELLENT READING</FONT> </P> <P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>This took place on a BA (British Airways) flight between Johannesburg </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>and London. A white woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>black man. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess. </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>"Madam, what is the matter"? the hostess asked. "You obviously do not </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>see it then?" she responded. "You placed me next to a black man. I do </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. Give me </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>an alternative seat." "Be calm please," the hostess replied. "Almost </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>all the places on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>place is available." The Hostess went away and then came back a few</FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2> minutes later. "Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>seats in the economy class. I spoke to the captain and he informed me </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>that there are also no seats in the business class. All the same, we </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>still have one place in the first class." Before the woman could say</FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2> anything, the hostess continued: "It is not usual for our company to </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>permit someone from the economy class to sit in the first class.</FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2> However, given the circumstances, the captain feels that it would be </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting."</FONT> <FONT face="Courier New" size=2>She turned to the black man, and said, "Therefore, Sir, if you would</FONT> <FONT face="Courier New" size=2>like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first</FONT> <FONT face="Courier New" size=2>class."</FONT> <FONT face="Courier New" size=2>At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they had</FONT> <FONT face="Courier New" size=2>just witnessed, stood up and applauded. This is a true story.</FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2> If you are against racism, please send this message to all your friends;</FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2> please do not delete it without sending it to at least one person.</FONT> </P> <P>Emily's been visiting, which has been an HOOBALAY time!  LOL!  If you need to know what that means, ask!  Ya, have you ever been in a sign language spelling bee? We have!  We went to Star Wars Three.  We were the only ones in the theatre.  The commercials were in surround sound, but the movie wasn't!  How cheap!  We made fun of it all the way through!  Come on George!  Can't you find someone capable of writing well for your dialogue?!  The effects were pretty cool!  Except some of the light saber scenes just looked like flashing lights, so, Emily said, "Oh, Seizures!"  She's been fun to have around.  Tonight, we are going to see "Wicked."  I'm so excited!  Time number one for her and number two for me!  Wooohooo! If it's nice outside, I think I'll go lay by the pool.  Oh, today starts my whole two days of vacation for this year.  Don't get me started on that one! Anyway, I needed a break.  The pool is calling! Later y'all!</P></XBODY><!-- toctype = X-unknown --><!-- toctype = text --><!-- text --><!-- END TOC -->]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-30 10:59:04</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-30 14:59:04</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>294775470</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 19 Jun 2005 18:52:55 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Friday, I went to another Partylyte Party, hosted by Kelly and presented by Wendy.  I bought more Partylyte stuff. I mays as well start selling. In fact, I've been talking to Wendy and seriously concidering it.  I'm really poor too, so, I seriously shouldn't  be purchasing it.  But if I work for them, I get it for cost basically.  Then, I left and went to the "Princess Party."  It was hilarious.  Most of us were wearing crowns.  We made this mountain of food in the middle of us on the floor and then, stuffed ourselves.  We went to "The Love Fountain" in Wheaton to make wishes.  It was awesome. Get got there at about eleven thirty and the park closes at eleven.  To make a wish, one must stand on the edge of the fountain, throw your coin in the top part, and run around on the edge three times.  Well, right when we got up on the edge, a cop drives up and stops at the edge of the park.  We all ran and hid behind a couple bushes.  We didn't see him anymore, so, we finished our wishing.  As we were walking off, we saw the cop car parked there, and the cop wasn't in it anymore.  We just starting laughing and kept going.  Well, I barrowed "Mean Girls" from Emily, so, I took it with me to the party for an option.  The others chose to watch it.  I warned before it started, "This is really PG-13!"  Meaning, the word "Bitch" is used repeatedly.  Well, one or two people would say things like, "Oh, my!" everytime the word was used!  ARHG!  That's what I get for hanging with church peoples... I do enjoy their company.  They are awesome people!  I guess I just watch what I want to, when I want to, and a word is not going to stop me, nor does it bother me.  Ya, fuck used to be one of my favorite words.  I'm surprised it doesn't slip out when I'm hanging out with them.  Anyway, when I woke up, I came home took a nap, and then, ended up cleaning and rearranging my bedroom.  It looks pretty nice.  Then, we had a cook out last night at Lena's, that was planned by Mike and Jenny.  It was a really good time!  It went until after midnight.  They had a fire pit with S'mores. Oh, so good!  And then, Dave and Frank we pushing S'moes.  The grahm and the chocolate, but no marshmallow. I don't know. It was a weird conversation.  This morning, I still smelled like fire pit, and I got up late for church.  I took a shower, and wound up about ten minutes late for sacrament.  Oh, well. Then, I came home and Biselled my bedroom after lunch.  The girls want to have a mormon movie marathon after dinner, but I don't know if I'll be able too.  I've seen the same people everyday this weekend. I'm about activitied out.  Well, see. <IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-19 18:52:55</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-19 22:52:55</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>287271961</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>I miss me my Pechin.   :(</P> <P>~~JOSH~~</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-06-23 03:06:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-06-23 07:06:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Anonymous</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>527959920</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[*waves* HI HEATHER!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-06-28 23:06:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-06-29 03:06:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>537858526</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 14 Jun 2005 03:35:32 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[So, I've decided that I have a family of musical geniuses.  The twins, who are two, have perfect pitch and can sing in harmony! LOL  We set up my sister's karoeke machine (Thanks Josh!) and gave the twins the two microphones.  They started singing together.  It was hilarious!  They were also matching pitch to the music and each other.  They were such a good time!  I still can't tell them apart though.  My sister was calling them, "McKlyla."  Their names are McKayla and Lyla.  My brother, sister, niece, nephew in law, and I went karoekeing on Saturday night. That was an ok time, aside from the freak hicks.  Also, I was holding one of the twins, and we sang "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" to each other.  She was matching rhythm and pitch on that one.  They're gonna be like the "Andrew Sisters" or something. LOL  Poor Miko, she's another niece. She's almost five and an only child.  She was getting so jealous of the twins.  But she's so cute too.  We got Emily graduated and everything.  She was 19th in her class.  Wow. She's so flippin' smart!  This weekend was draining, physically and emotionally.  I didn't get home until three am this morning.  I got home from work and passed out.  So, now I'm wide awake. But I've been cleaning, so, I've almost warn myself out again. <IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-14 03:34:25</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-14 07:34:25</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>283539618</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Hey, Brooke here. what's your email address? I wanted to send out the info on the Ben Folds concert coming up, but I don't have it. It's probably, right? Heheh. Mail me at so I can have your email!<BR/><BR/>Here is the info!<BR/><BR/>***<BR/><BR/>Ben (fuckin') Folds will be playing at the Ravinia on WEDNESDAY, AUG 10, at 8:00 PM. Hopefully you can all make it, we can bring a blanket, food, and have a great time!<BR/><BR/>Go to this link to get tickets online. They are ONLY $15 for the lawn, which is what we're going to do! OR of course, you can CALL (847) 266-5100!<BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/>Whee! <BR/><BR/>~Brooke]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-06-15 14:54:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-06-15 18:54:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>517153670</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 10 Jun 2005 14:49:54 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Going to my baby niece's high school graduation this weekend. I'm old. Plus, my great nieces, the twins are coming this weekend,too! YAY!  Have a good one!]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-10 14:49:54</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-10 18:49:54</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>281013222</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 10 Jun 2005 01:54:42 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor="#66CCFF" align=center><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'><b>You Were Actually Born Under:</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#CBF3FF"><center><img src=""></center><font color="#000000">You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam.<br />You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing.<br />Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long.<br />Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word.<br /><br />You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger.</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#FF667F" align=center><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'><b>You Should Have Been Born Under:</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#FFCCDA"><center><img src=""></center><font color="#000000"><br />You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam.<br />You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing.<br />Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long.<br />Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word.<br /><br />You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger.</font></td></tr></table><div align="center"><br /><a href="" target="_new">What Year Were You Born Under?</a></div><br /><table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor="#FFF774" align=center><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'><b>Your IQ Is 95</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFCCA"><center><img src=""></center><font color="#000000"><br />Your Logical Intelligence is <b>Above Average</b><br />Your Verbal Intelligence is <b>Above Average</b><br />Your Mathematical Intelligence is <b>Above Average</b><br />Your General Knowledge is <b>Average</b></font></td></tr></table><br /><div align="center"><a href="" target="_new">A Quick and Dirty IQ Test</a></div><br /><table style="font-family: sans-serif; color: black; font-size: 11pt;" width="350" align=center border="0" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="5"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#B1F989"><h3 style="margin: 0; border: 0;">The True You</h3></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ABF795">You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be together with you always, no matter when or where.</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#A5F4A0">With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#9FF2AC">You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others.</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#98EFB7">The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you.</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#92EDC3">You have a tendency to overdo things, but basically you value your friendships highly.</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#8CEACE">When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.</td></tr></table><br /><div align="center"><a href="" target="_new">Who's the True You?</a></div><br /><table style="font-family: serif; font-size: 11pt;" width="350" align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#FF9AD3"><br /><h3 style="margin: 0; border: 0;">Your #1 Love Type: ESFJ</h3></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#FFC3E5">The Caregiver<br /><br />In love, you are very giving. You give your sweetie a lot of special attention.<br />For you, sex should be warm and intimate... a way to give and share love.<br /><br />Overall, you are upbeat, kind, and affectionate.<br />However, you tend to also be a bit needy and manipulative at times.<br /><br />Best matches: ISFP or INFP</td></tr></table><br /><br /><div align="center"><a href="" target="_new">What's Your Love Type?</a></div><br /><center><br /><br /><table border=0 cellpadding=4 bgcolor="#000000"><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><th colspan="3" bgcolor="#BBFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">HEATHER</font> </th><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">H</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Hip</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">E</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Earthy</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">A</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Altruistic</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">T</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Tame</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">H</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Helpful</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">E</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Extreme</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">R</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Rebellious</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /></table><br /></center><br /><div align="center"><br /><a href="" target="_new"><br />What Does Your Name Mean?</a><br /></div><br />]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-10 01:54:42</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-10 05:54:42</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>280715789</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 10 Jun 2005 01:40:48 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: serif" cellSpacing=8 cellPadding=5 width=350 align=center border=0><BR> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#ff99cc><BR> <H3 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px">The Keys to Your Heart</H3><BR></TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ff9fd2><BR>You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffa6d9><BR>In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffacdf><BR>You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffb3e6><BR>You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffb9ec><BR>Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffbff2><BR>Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffc6f9><BR>You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.</TD></TR><BR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffccff><BR>In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.</TD></TR><BR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR> <DIV align=center><BR><A href="" target=_new>What Are The Keys To Your Heart?</A><BR></DIV><BR>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-10 01:34:34</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-10 05:34:34</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>280706862</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jun 2005 01:49:41 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK. So, I just got this off of the suburbs. uk site. It's a ben site.  <A href=" " target="_new">This is so sad.</A> It's so cute and beautiful, especially since Ben's music is in it.  Today wasn't really great. I kind of argued with my boss. I'm actually glad the day is over, so, I can start over tomorrow.  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-07 01:49:41</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-07 05:49:41</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>278528417</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 05 Jun 2005 23:11:31 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Today I have been feeling weird.  I didn't set an alarm clock last night (I was kind of stressed out, because when I got home, my smoke detectors were going crazy.  The emergency number for my apartments refused to send someone to help me, so, I had a neighbor named Alex, dissassemble them.), so, I got up for church at 9:05, when it starts at 9am.  I made it though.  It doesn't seem like my little air condition is working.  It's only lowered the temperature in here two degrees.  It's been running for HOURS!  I came home from church and made lunch; bacon, gravy, and biscuits.  Then, I passed out for about five hours.  I've had a sinus headache forever.  It's like, come on.  I just had all this crap removed, why do the allergies still keep getting worse?!  I woke up from my "nap" in a pool of sweat and took my temperature.  It was slightly high.  So, I went to the pool for a few minutes.  I swam half way across the pool and decided it hurt my throat too much.  Plus, I saw parts of this article on TV last week about how pools were overly germy.  LOL.  I just kept thinking, I just had surgery.  This can't be good.  So, I got out and laid there for a bit.  I came back to the apartment.  Made some dinner.  Ate too much.  O.K. That's probably enough whining from me, but that was my day.  I think I'm gonna sleep in the living room under the ac.  Unless the outside temperature goes down. Maybe I'll just risk the whole living on the first floor thing and open some windows.  I think I'll go relax by doing my nails.  ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-05 23:11:31</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-06 03:11:31</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>277705330</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 05 Jun 2005 02:19:23 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK, so, my cousin just got married last week, total surprise to me.  I mean, I knew that she was planning on it, but it's the old, "Nobody tells me anything."  I just openned an e-mail from her mom with a whole bunch of wedding pictures in it.  Anyway, so, she just got married a week or two ago, and her husband went back for his first day of work.  Of all things, he got his foot cut off.  They sewed it back on, and they are trying to see if it will heal.  Please pray for him, or send positive thoughts, or something.  </P> <P>I saw "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" last night.  It was pretty cute.  Plus, I have read all of the books, and they are great!  It was funny.  In the audience, there was one boyfriend and two dads.  The audience was completely full, too!  I also got the movie, "Liminey Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events" yesterday.  I'm trying to watch it, but it's got a lot of death in it, in weird ways.  Today, there was a YSA Bar B Que.  That was a good time, and I ate so much.  It's awesome to be able to eat!  And Ashlyn would be so proud. Last night, I had Coldstone ice cream for the first time.  I had cake batter ice cream with white chocolate chips in it.  Pretty impressive for ice cream!  It didn't make me dreadfully sick either! (I'm lactose intollerant.)  But I probably won't eat ice cream for a long time, again.  (When something makes you dreadfully sick or gives you migraines, it kind of defers you from eating it anymore, no matter how great one might think it tastes! LOL)  I got the cutest little skirt from New York in Company today.  Sales are awesome!  Having to buy clothes for necessity is awesome too!  OK, enough mumbling from me.  I'm going to try and finish this movie!  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-05 02:19:23</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-05 06:19:23</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>277122825</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 02 Jun 2005 00:05:38 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I guess, as of yesterday, I'm a GREAT aunt.... AGAIN!  My niece, who's four days younger than me, had another baby girl, number four.  So that makes, let's see... she has four, Katie has two, and Sarah has two.... so, I guess that makes eight.</P> <P>In other news, I ate my first Mandarin Chicken Salad from Wendy's today!!!! Yay for a healing throat!!!  </P> <P>I also bought Ben's alblum, FINALLY!  I'm a bad biggest fan ever!  I've just been so poor and sick though.  Of course, people could have bought it four me for a get well present.  But that didn't happen.  Having to buy drugs and pay rent sucks!  The DVD is awesome though! </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-06-02 00:05:38</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-02 04:05:38</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>274984044</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Are you getting these comments?<BR/><BR/>Songs for Silverman is awesome! I like the first half of the album best, and I already know how to play three of them... lol.<BR/><BR/>I'm going to get Songs for Goldfish, a friend is going to put it online for me, and when I download it all I will burn you a copy as get better gift, okies?! It's the least I could do, if it weren't for you my life would be void of Ben right now!<BR/><BR/>Love,<BR/>~Brooke]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-06-02 01:33:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-06-02 05:33:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>494024267</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 31 May 2005 23:09:43 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I had a couple non tonsil bleeding episodes this weekend (non tonsil because they were suposedly removed and all.).  Those were kind of scary and very gross!  But I went to see the doctor this afternoon, and he siad that everything is healing "Beautifully."  That's good to hear.  I just hope not to have any more episodes.  They are so discusting!  I won't go into detail.  I'm feeling pretty good though, just tired.  Today, Pepper started using a new computer system with the public.  It was a pretty easy day, and the most of the customers were very nice and patient.  Those kind of people make life better!  Well, I'm going to relax by giving myself  manicure.  Goodnight!</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-31 23:09:43</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-06-01 03:09:43</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>274212418</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 24 May 2005 22:34:29 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Today, I actually got a little bit of food down!  YAY!  Mash Potatoes, Mac and Cheese, Cottage cheese, and low and behold... a bit of lettuce, cucumber, and cheese, with Ranch dressing.  Those four little pieces of salad took me, like, three hours to eat.  The Coke Slushee diet may soon be over.  I'm trying to work my way to an awesome Mandarian Chicken Salad from Wendy's.  I'm getting so excited that I may be able to eat food next week! You know. If the tonsils keep cooperating.  I was getting desperate today, and bought Slim Fast shakes, just in case I couldn't get food down tomorrow.  </P> <P>OK. Now, that this whole entry has been about food, I must go and nap. </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-24 22:34:29</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-25 02:34:29</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>269532168</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Hi Pechin, this is Brooke! Surprise! I don't really use Xanga, but I made a name so I could leave goofy stuff on your and Kel's journals.<BR/><BR/>I hope you're feeling better soon... I miss you!<BR/><BR/>But I'm mad at you! You turned me into a Ben FREAK! I can't get enough of him in every way! Okay, I'm really actually super thankful you guys got me into him... so thanks!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-05-29 03:09:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-05-29 07:09:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>487493872</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 23 May 2005 20:34:23 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I feel so blah.  Everything still hurts.  But I did get a little bit of Mac and Cheese down today.  That and rice. That'sabout it.  I'm keeping myself pretty drugged up.  I don't think I'll be able to go back to work tomorrow.  I was planning on it, but I just hurt still.  Plus, being so drugged, I will probably just fall asleep.  I can't answer the phones because It hurts too much to talk.  Argh!  Well, back to my slurpee....</P> <P>Oh, and I got my car back today, and there's a chip of paint out of the front.... I guess I'll just take it back tomorrow.  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-23 20:34:23</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-24 00:34:23</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>268722352</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 21 May 2005 01:34:53 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Wow, I think the narcotics are starting to work.  I actually got a little sleep today.  I got some rice down today too.  That was nice.  I can't get jello or baby food down, but I could rice.  Strange.  Anyway, the people at Pepper sent me Flowers, and they weren't delivered until after nine pm.  That's kind of late for a flower deliverey.  Gabriel brought me a card and a care bear yesterday.  That was really nice and cute.  Well, I'm going to go drug myself again.  I think I feel worse today than I did yesterday.  Good night.]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-21 01:34:53</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-21 05:34:53</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>266894120</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[I hope you feel better soon! I have a question for you, but I don't want to put it on here, whenever you're online and could IM me that would be great. My screenname is ViolaGrl237.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-05-21 11:31:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-05-21 15:31:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>violagrl237</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>708721</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>475891942</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 19 May 2005 07:29:12 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[OK, so, the plan to be out cold on drugs today, isn't going so well.  I think the narcotics are just making me paranoid or something.  Like, yesterday, one would think I would be totally exhausted after the surgery and just lay in bed for most of the day.  Well, not so much.  I sat on the couch, watching t.v, drinking Sprite and eating Rocket Pops, which have pemanantly turned my mouth all sorts of shades of blue and purple.  I would fall asleep while holding my drink or popsickle, and wake up with them still sitting straight up.  When I tried to take a nap at about 4:30, I woke up about every two minutes and looked at the clock.  About every ten to fifteen minutes I would have to wake up and take a drink because of my mouth being so dry.  I did this until about six, and then, I got up and took more drugs.  Kelly stopped by to check on my last night, which was really nice of her.  I didn't try to lie down again until about two.  That was interesting.  I started sleeping a little better, but then, it started thundering and lightning, which woke me up.  I finally got out of bed at about five thirty to take more drugs. I should probably try to take another nap.  My mom's been out cold for like two days now.  I mean, she took a couple hour nap after she got here, and then, we both were snoozing sitting up on the couch yesterday after the surgery.  Then, when I tried to take my little nap yesterday afternoon, she was out cold again.  My dad called, so, I woke her up to talk to him, and she kept telling him it was already Thursday.  I had the surgery yesterday.  Why didn't he call sooner?!  I finally hit her in the head with a tissue and said as loud as possible, which wasn't that loud, "IT'S STILL WEDNESDAY!  I HAD THE SURGERY THIS MORNING!"  That finally got her attention.  She just thought that I had let her sleep the night through or something.  So, if all of these wonderful people who said that were going to stop by today, really do, they're going to have to deal with me having a purple mouth and being restless.  The good news is, I don't really hurt the bad with the drugs and all.  In between doses, when it starts to wear off, it gets a little soar.  But other than that, it's like a bad day with the tonsils. before the surgery.  My mom has been a good couch sleeping buddy, and the cat has been a good sleeping buddy in general.  I'm glad they're both here.  I'm sure I've blabbed enough.  I should probably go try to take another nap.  Everyone have a great day!!! ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-19 07:29:12</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-19 11:29:12</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>265689465</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>Hey Pechin!</P> <P>I am glad surgery was a success!</P> <P>Holla!</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-05-20 15:17:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-05-20 19:17:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>474758472</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 17 May 2005 01:43:20 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I'm having surgery on Wednesday, and my apartment isn't clean yet!  AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Plus, my parents are coming tomorrow, and my brother is bringing them, with my niece.  They're gonna get here at like 12 ish, or earlier.  I'm gonna loose my mind.  I guess I'll have to take the trash out tonight.  Pray for me, think happy thoughts, wish me luck... Whatever you can do!  I just wanna make it to Thursday when I'm laying in bed out cold on good drugs!! <IMG height=22 src="" width=15><IMG height=22 src="" width=15><IMG height=22 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-17 01:43:20</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-17 05:43:20</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>264279347</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 15 May 2005 01:32:20 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<table cellspacing="0" align="center"><br /><tr><br /><td style="font: bolder small-caps 14pt Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif; color: black; text-transform: capitalize; word-spacing: .3em; text-align: center; background: #bce9ff; border-style: double; border-color: gray; padding: 5px; width: 350px;"><br />Your Birthdate: September 24</td><br /></tr><tr><br /><td style=" font: small-caps small-caps 12pt Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif; color: black; text-transform: none; text-align: left; background: #e2f5ff; border-style: double; border-color: gray; padding: 5px; width: 350px;"><br />Born on the 24th, you have a greater capacity for responsibility and helping others than your may have realized. <br /><br />You may also become the mediator and peacemaker in inharmonious situations. <br /><br />Devoted to family, you tend to manage and protect. <br /><br /><br /><br />This birth date adds to the emotional nature and perhaps to the sensitivities. <br /><br />Affections are important to you; both the giving and the receiving.</td><br /></tr><br /></table><br /><br /><div align="center"><br /><a href="" target="_new">What Does Your Birth Date Mean?</a><br /></div><br />]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-15 01:32:20</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-15 05:32:20</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>262874469</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[yeah i'm at home. things aren't parents are pissing me off. i need an internship.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-05-15 03:02:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-05-15 07:02:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Jlynnie</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>13715789</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>466773359</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 12 May 2005 23:01:12 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>OK, so, this week, I'm on the "I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want" diet because of the surgery next week.  I think I've gained more than five pounds. LOL.  I have this shirt that I wore today that says, I <IMG height=15 src="" width=15> Carbs!  and It has a cow and a pig dancing on it.  It's so hilariously cute.  I got a couple compliments on it today.  A customer said to me, "I like your shirt!"  So, I said, "Thanks. It's my theme for the week!"  She just kind of looked at me strange, and I just smiled at her without explaining.  </P> <P>Last night, Gabriel took me Salsa Dancing with Vic and Melissa.  It was such a good time!!! Gabriel's friend teaches, so, we went to his apartment and had lessons.  The teacher only spoke spanish!  I was just doing all the moves my following his lead and example.  Then, he was making comments about Melissa being too stiff to the guys, and they were laughing.  It she was like, "Is he making fun of me?!"  And they said, "Noooooooo."  They did tell her what he said later, and she just started laughing.  I guess people tell her that all the time, so, she wasn't offended.  The teacher kept having us switch guys, and Vic decided that he was my new dance partner from now on or something.  He said, "You and I are gonna be dance partners for the next church dance." So, I just told him, he was gonna have to fight Gabriel for that one.  It was hilarious.  OH, I had such a great time!!!</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-12 23:01:12</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-13 03:01:12</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>261557318</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 08 May 2005 18:19:56 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[All I have too say is,  WICKED WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I can't wait to go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!  And most of the acters were people off of television, which was kind of wierd, but yet cool at the same time!  <IMG height=15 src="" width=15> (One Wicked green Smiley for Elphaba! LOL)]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-08 18:19:56</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-08 22:19:56</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>258634840</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[I want to go, so next time your thinking about getting tickets let me know!!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-05-09 09:41:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-05-09 13:41:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>rae575</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5304055</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>458155618</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 07 May 2005 02:28:15 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Wicked is in less than 24hrs..... YAY!!!!!! ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-07 02:28:15</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-07 06:28:15</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>257615703</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 05 May 2005 23:31:47 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[The Aveo is already in the shop for the deer tagging.   She has over 2,600 dollars worth of damage.  This means I'm not going to drive on I-65 for a while.  One totalled car on Thanksgiving, and one deer ass on Monday.... that's it!!!  Now, I'm just going to hang out here and have surgery.  Oh, and my doctor changed my surgery from the 17th to the 18th.  So, one more day of work and waiting for me.  Argh!!! But.... Steve did give me the "Wicked" Karoeke CD!!!! It's awesome!!!! I love it!!! Thanks Steve!!!!  Well, back to tv and napping like an old person.  Later.]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-05 23:31:47</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-06 03:31:47</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>256940305</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 04 May 2005 19:39:47 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>BEN WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Our view was AWESOME!!!!  For those of you who get to see him tomorrow in Indiana, I'm so jealous.  If I were rich, I would skip work and go again!!! But I'm not.... I love Ben Folds!!!  Oh, and fore warning, the show stuff was cash only.  Maybe that was just this venue or something.  It was still wierd.  I still got the shirt.... the, cause there was only one..... by the time I got to the stand.... who knows...</P> <P>IT WAS STILL AWESOME!!!   And watch out for his bass player, he's a good time!!! <IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-04 19:39:47</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-04 23:39:47</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>256070206</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 03 May 2005 01:05:30 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I SEE BEEN IN LESS THAN 24 HRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P>DAMN DEER.   I was going down I-65 at about 70 ish, and it was 5:30 am.  All I see is deer ass taking out my driver's side mirror.  She did more damage than thate, like crunching my front left side.  But the car still drives, and I guess I'm ok, just a little traumatized!!!</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-03 01:05:30</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-03 05:05:30</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>254937431</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 02 May 2005 15:03:59 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Big Deer, Little Aveo..... Minnimal Damage......<IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-05-02 15:03:59</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-05-02 19:03:59</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>254454114</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Was it on the way back from the shower???]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-05-03 17:56:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-05-03 21:56:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>rae575</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5304055</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>450114341</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 27 Apr 2005 02:00:43 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Ben was just on Conan!!! It was beautiful!!! I get to see him on Tuesday!!!!! That's coming up so fast.  Wow.  I'm getting to be quite the groupy... sort of... Watch out Ben, I'm coming to see ya!  <IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-27 02:00:43</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-27 06:00:43</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>250856183</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Apr 2005 00:02:10 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Wow, that was a big gap deally  in my last entry.  So, now, the young single adults are going to do a little skit deal for the teenagers.  We have to sing, and we need help.  So, I volunteered to do some warm ups for the group next week.  LOL. It's going to be hilarious.  Yay!<IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-26 00:02:10</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-26 04:02:10</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>250117400</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>I work Sun, Mon, Tues, and Thurs. Hopefully you can work around that.</P> <P>~~JOSH~~</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-26 01:47:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-26 05:47:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>438775524</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 22 Apr 2005 12:58:55 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<center><br /><br /><table border=0 cellpadding=4 bgcolor="#000000"><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><th colspan="3" bgcolor="#BBFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">HEATHER</font> </th><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">H</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Healthy</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">E</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Enjoyable</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">A</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Alert</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">T</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Terrific</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">H</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Happy</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">E</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Exquisite</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /><tr><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">R</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">is for</font> </td><br /><br /><td bgcolor="#EEFFFF"> <font color="#000000" size="+1">Rebellious</font> </td><br /><br /></tr><br /><br /></table><br /></center><br /><div align="center"><br /><a href="" target="_new"><br />What Does Your Name Mean?</a><br /></div><br />]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-22 12:58:55</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-22 16:58:55</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>247629368</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>Are you still coming on the 29th or 30th, or whenever? If you are, I'm sure you can stay at my place again. I just need to let Scott and Annie know. Luv ya!</P> <P>~~JOSH~~</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-23 01:22:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-23 05:22:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>434207963</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 20 Apr 2005 14:25:35 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<table width=400 align=center border=1 bordercolor=black cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><br /><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#A8FFB3"><br /><h3>Your Linguistic Profile:</h3><br /></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#D9FFD8"><br />80% General American English</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#A8FFB3"><br />10% Dixie</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#D9FFD8"><br />5% Upper Midwestern</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#A8FFB3"><br />5% Yankee</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#D9FFD8"><br />0% Midwestern</td></tr></table><br /><br /><div align="center"><br /><a href="" target="_new">What Kind of American English Do You Speak?</a><br /></div><br />]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-20 14:25:35</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-20 18:25:35</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>246305335</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 19 Apr 2005 23:55:43 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I borrowed Bill and Evelyn's kareoke machine.  It is such a GREAT TIME!  I might have to invest in one of these, eventually.  I went to Ed Debevic's for dinner tonight.  That was a GREAT TIME, too.  Our server was trying to be rude, but we were his last table, so, he mostly just sat and talked to us the whole time we were trying to eat.  Thanks Bradly for great conversation!  </P> <P>I can't wait to have surgery.  I sound crazy.  I can't sleep though.  I'm just to sick and congested.  I wake up six or seven times a night.  I toss. I turn.  I have nightmares constantly.  It sucks.  At least, when I have sugery, the doctor will give me drugs so I can sleep, and good ones.  I'm nodding off at  work.  I even talked to one of the managers about it, kind of fore warning her that it's happening.  It's sad.  I'm trying to have fun with life and not be a sickie, but I'm too exhausted. </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-19 23:55:43</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-20 03:55:43</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>246051427</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 16 Apr 2005 14:02:32 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>My tonsilectamy, adenoide removal, and Nasal Passage beautifying are going to be on May 17th.   If you'd like to send me some love and support on that day, that would be awesome!!! (Not that everybodies love and support isn't awesome everyday.)  So, now, I must clean for my Partylite shindig.</P> <P>Why is the music search on this thing going retarded lately?  I can put names in like Kelly Clarkson or Mariah Carey.  Everytime I put they're names in, it says they don't exist or they're unable to find their alblums.  hmmm..... </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-16 14:02:32</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-16 18:02:32</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>243636864</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Search for the name of the album. It works. Luv ya!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-17 01:04:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-17 05:04:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>425354912</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 14 Apr 2005 20:54:02 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>So, her she is!  The Lime Green tin can.... I mean AVEO.  She's so cute!  Such a good time.  YAY!!!  O.K.  I have to go make some dinner now.  Oh, and I would just like to say, "The Office" on NBC, is retarded.  </P> <P>Have a great day!!!<IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-14 20:54:02</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-15 00:54:02</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>242602568</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[you and your cars, I think you've had at least 3 in the short time I have known you. hope this one does what you need it to. love the color though. miss you, mama pechin (or should I say grandma, since Luann was initiated tonight!) love you lots, hope things are well, later kiddo]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-15 00:20:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-15 04:20:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>robinmartin</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>636479</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>422845367</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 14 Apr 2005 00:41:54 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!!!! HOORAY!!! A LIME GREEN CHEVY AVEO!!! It is oh so CUTE!  It's a hatchback. </P> <P><A href="" target="_new"></A> </P> <P>Now, to bed. <IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-14 00:41:54</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-14 04:41:54</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>242122591</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[yeah, i swore i'd never get one of these. looky looky who has a xanga. ugh. yeah. cute car even though i hate hatchbacks lol. so yeah, add me to your list or whatever you xanga ppl do, cuz i've got no clue what i'm doing on here!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-14 04:03:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-14 08:03:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Jlynnie</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>13715789</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>421554917</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[That car is so cute!  Yay!!  You should come back to town and give us all rides <IMG height=15 src="/Images/happy.gif" width=15>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-14 11:07:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-14 15:07:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>421722607</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[cute!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-14 11:39:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-14 15:39:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>sparkieprincessnatarie</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>732518</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>421746971</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[YAY! Lime green happiness!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-14 12:44:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-14 16:44:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>421794344</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 12 Apr 2005 23:34:58 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I'm so ready to go for this stupid surgery.  But I think it's gonna be a month before I get it done.  argh.  </P> <P> Last night, I fell asleep on the couch at about 11:30, so, I got up and went to bed.  Mel calls me at 1:30, and insists on talking to me still for about a half hour while I snore in her ear. I occasionally woke up and said, "Uhuh, ya."  So, finally, I get her to realize that I'm really snoring in her ear.  At a little after 2, I start having this dream with a cat or baby screaming in it. Then, I realize that it wasn't a dream.  Cassie was screaming at some animal I couldn't see outside that patio door.  It took me a couple minutes to figure out what to do.  I thought the neighbors were going to call the cops on me or something. She is so loud.  I finally tricked her into my bed room with treats.  I still woke up a little bit before five and drank some Thera Flu soar throat.  It hurts too much to sleep.  Dr. Schubkegal wants to take out my tonsils, adenoids, and make a wider breathing path in my nasal pasage...?  Sounds strange and discusting!  Well, it's time for bed. </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-12 23:34:58</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-13 03:34:58</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>241444412</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 11 Apr 2005 01:20:30 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Damn the FOX network.  They totally destroyed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More with Feeling tonight.  They took halves of songs out and shit.  Stupid television network.  So, after that heartbreak, I'm going to bed.  ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-11 01:20:30</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-11 05:20:30</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>240129119</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 10 Apr 2005 01:00:08 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Well, today, Mike had a cookout at his house.  It was a good time. For the most part, it was just Mike, Matt, Monica, and me.  When we started playing games, Amie and Amber joined us.  We played Uno, and the very strange game named, Careers, which didn't have an ending.  After that, Amber and Amie left.  So, the four of us went down and built a fire in the fire pit.  That brought on good conversation, which only made me uncomfortable once or twice.  They are so into the church.  I'm just not there.  </P> <P>Anyway, last night Kelly and Steve took me to meet up with Brooke, Brad, and Vanessa at the coffee shop in Elmhurst.  There, we played this game of Uno that NEVER ENDED!  It was crazy!  That was a fun time too!  Well, I'm getting very sleepy.  Good night!  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-10 01:00:08</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-10 05:00:08</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>239415670</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 08 Apr 2005 19:35:53 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>Two nights this week, I have came home and konked out.  I mean, literally.  I got home from work and fell asleep at about 7 or earlier.  That makes me sound so old.  And I slept until about eight in the morning each night.  What is up with me?  Anyway.  </P> <P>Just a friendly reminder.  If anybody needs or wants Partylite, I'm having a party on the 16th.  Everyone is welcome!!!! Or if you just want to order something, give me a holler.  I'll get it it to you!  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-08 19:35:53</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-08 23:35:53</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>238585939</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Why don't things ever go how they're supposed to?]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-09 18:19:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-09 22:19:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>415028844</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 04 Apr 2005 12:12:50 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Yay for being back on Indiana time!!!!! (I think that is central.)  Now, there will be fun things like sunshine when I get off work!  Or when I call someone, I won't have to calculate if it's to late or dinner time or something.   It was funny when Lena's sister, Jodi called me yesterday morning to tell me that I needed to change my clock.  I had a good chuckle over that one.  Now, I must find some way to be productive here at work, even though, there really isn't any thing to do.  Hopefully, my smoke detectors will be fixed by the time I get off work.  <IMG height=22 src="" width=15>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-04 12:12:50</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-04 16:12:50</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>235720035</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Indiana's always on eastern standard time, which is the same as central daylight time, so during the summer Indiana is with Chicago.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-04 16:23:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-04 20:23:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>purpleflop</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5326791</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>407923562</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Ummm... ya. I know.  Thanks.]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-06 14:50:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-06 18:50:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>Pechin6</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>1056963</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>410666161</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[Well, you sounded unsure.  So I thought I'd add something.       the end]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-08 00:24:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-08 04:24:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>purpleflop</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>5326791</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>412984681</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 03 Apr 2005 01:39:47 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<div align="center"> <table style="color: black; background: #eeeeee" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <div align="center">Advanced Global Personality Test Results<br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><tr> <td> <table style="color: black; background: #dddddd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <tr> <td>Extraversion</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">80%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Stability</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">56%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Orderliness</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Empathy</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">83%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Interdependence</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">90%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intellectual</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mystical</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">76%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Artistic</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">90%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Religious</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">43%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hedonism</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">70%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Materialism</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">56%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Narcissism</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Adventurousness</td> <td width="61">||||||</td> <td width="30">23%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Work ethic</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Self absorbed</td> <td width="61">||||||||||</td> <td width="30">36%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Conflict seeking</td> <td width="61">||||||||||</td> <td width="30">36%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Need to dominate</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">90%</td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> <table style="color: black; background: #dddddd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="#dddddd"> <tr> <td>Romantic</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">43%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Avoidant</td> <td width="61">||||||</td> <td width="30">30%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Anti-authority</td> <td width="61">||||||</td> <td width="30">30%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Wealth</td> <td width="61">||||</td> <td width="30">16%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dependency</td> <td width="61">||||||||||</td> <td width="30">36%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Change averse</td> <td width="61">||||||||||</td> <td width="30">36%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cautiousness</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">70%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Individuality</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">70%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sexuality</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">70%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Peter pan complex</td> <td width="61">||||||||||</td> <td width="30">36%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Physical security</td> <td width="61">||||||||||</td> <td width="30">36%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Food indulgent</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">76%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Histrionic</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">56%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Paranoia</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">56%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Vanity</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">43%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hypersensitivity</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">43%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Female cliche</td> <td width="61">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">90%</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <a href="" target="_new">Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test</a><br><font size="1"><a href="" target="_new">personality tests by</a></font><br />]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-03 01:39:47</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-03 06:39:47</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>234867642</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 02 Apr 2005 15:31:06 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>So, I finally got up from my nap at about ten ish.  I still woke up from a nightmare, which gave me a panic attack to the point where a couldn't breath.  I woke up wheazing uncontrolably, almost like an azma attack.  But I'm ok now, sort of.  One of the dreams that I had was, the apartment building that was next to mine was on fire, so, I was trying to get out of mine.  I was sleeping naked, so, in my dream, I was trying to find clothes to wear out of my apartment.  That wasn't the dream that woke me up though.  </P> <P>When I finally got up, I took a shower, and then, went out to run some errons.  Before I left, I kept hearing a weird dripping noise, but I couldn't find where it was coming from.  I hear weird noises like that in my apartment all the time, so, I started ignoring it.  Then, I started to hear a crazy beeping noise, but it was coming from somewhere inside the apartment.  I couldn't figure out what that was.  This is when I finally give up and leave the apartment.  I'm gone about an hour, and I get home.  I hear many dripping noises.  Then, I start seeing puddles in the back half of my apartment.  There's water leaking everywhere through the ceiling.  So, I call the office and they don't answer, and I call the emergency number.  They get a guy over here right away.  He discovers that the water is coming from the third floor. (I have a first floor apartment.)  This day has been absolutely crazy go nuts!!!  I think my speakers are destroyed to my stereo.  They were right under a leak.  Another strange thing is, I just purchased renters' insurance last month on a whim.  Maybe they're replace my stereo.  We'll see.  Oh, so, about the fire dream, one of the leaks was through my smoke detector in my bedroom.  So, it doesn't work anymore.  Now, if there is a fire, I may not be warned.  That really freaks me out.  It's almost a psychic dream.  Most people know, psychic dreams are about pregnancy, hince the fact, if you don't want to be pregnant, I hope that I don't have that dream about you.  But some of my dreams have been slightly off lately.  Like, one night I had this awful nightmare that my nephew fell and drowned.  There was a funeral and everything.  So, I called my sister and asked her if he was ok.  She said he was fine, but she fell and broke her arm.  See, I was one family member off on that one.  So, hopefully, this lovelly fire dream, was just about the smoke alarm being disconnected.  So, now that you all think I'm crazy, which I wouldn't doubt it after today, I gotta go now.  Later y'all!  </P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-02 15:31:06</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-02 20:31:06</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>234506886</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[<P>Pechin, I hate to tell you this, but the better part of your spelling is atrociously bad. But I still love you!!!</P> <P>~~JOSH~~</P>]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-02 16:16:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-02 21:16:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>405275241</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 02 Apr 2005 07:06:57 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Very Strangely, last night, I got home from work and crashed. I slept until about five this morning, when I woke to frat boys having a mass hanging all the way down sixth street.  (Ya, these are the kind of fucked up dreams I have, pretty much all the time.)  What was even more weird was, their brothers were timing it so they could save them before they died.  Oh, crap.  I think I was supposed to pay my computer off last night.  I guess I'll have to do that today.  I'm up early enough.  My kitty is being very cute this morning.  She is "chasing" the birds and the rabbits through our patio window.  Now, should I get ready for the day at six a.m, or should I try to take a nightmare free nap?  I think I'll try the nap first.  Well, have a great Saturday!!! <IMG height=22 src="" width=15>  ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-04-02 07:06:57</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-02 12:06:57</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>234270925</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 31 Mar 2005 22:33:43 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I have planned one crazy go nuts scavenger hunt for this Saturday!  So, if you're bored, you're all welcome to come along!  I also have some prizes.  YAY!  By the way, does anyone have a couple tens of thousands of dollars they can give me?  I just wondered.  Hooray for the time change this weekend! Then, we'll be on Indiana time, finally.  Why do all of Donald Trump's comercials make him look stupid?  I would think, If you were a cagillionaire, you would make yourself look smart to the world. Being poor sucks.  Sometimes, I feel like I work my ass off for nothing.  Ok, and the ad above this right now is a bunny running back and forth, and a gun barrel controlled by the mouse.  The caption says, "Shoot the Bunny and get a Play Station Portable!"  Wow. That's pretty sick! And now it's time for a nap!  Have a great day!</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-03-31 22:33:43</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-04-01 03:33:43</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>233426246</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[I miss my Pechin!!!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-04-02 00:37:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-04-02 05:37:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author/> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url/> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>-1</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>404572598</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 29 Mar 2005 00:00:53 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>I totally just wrote an entry, and for the first time, it disappeared. So, here I go again.  I feel extremely better!  Not perfect, the tonsils are still gross, but better.  I went to church tonight, and Mike took me. That was cool.  We made fondue.  It was so discustingly good.  This Saturday, a bunch of the women from church are having a girls night out.  Lena decided that I should plan it.  Right now, I'm in between having a scavenger hunt and/or having two hats; one for everyone to put a place to eat and one for everyone to put an activity.  We will choose one paper from each and WALLA!  That's the plan for the evening.  That way everyone has a bit of imput.  I also offered to have a Party Light Party for one of the women at church.  She's trying to earn money for her wedding.  So, if anybody wants any, give me a hollar!!!! Life is good!!!<IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P> <P>OH, I am still listening to the Kelly Clarkson alblum, but I heard "Crash" on the radio, and it reminded me how awesome the alblum is!!!</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-03-29 00:00:53</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-03-29 05:00:53</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>231438223</wp:original_xanga_id> -<wp:comment> -<wp:comment_content> <![CDATA[xanga xanga xanga!]]> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved>1</wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_date>2005-03-30 01:23:00</wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt>2005-03-30 06:23:00</wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_author>oonboon</wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_user_id>0</wp:comment_user_id> <wp:comment_xanga_user_id>12165099</wp:comment_xanga_user_id> <wp:comment_parent>0</wp:comment_parent> <wp:comment_type/> <wp:comment_id>400337122</wp:comment_id> </wp:comment> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 26 Mar 2005 00:03:18 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[I had the day off!  Hooray for the Friday of Goodness!  I slept until after noon.  That was awesome!  I feel a little better today.  I spent a gagillion dollars on medicine, but hopefully it will kick in and work.  I plan to sleep many, many hours tomorrow, and then go to a party. It shall be a good time! ]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-03-26 00:03:18</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-03-26 05:03:18</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>229363251</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> -<item> <title/> <dc:creator>Pechin6</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 24 Mar 2005 22:25:58 -04:00</pubDate> -<content:encoded> <![CDATA[<P>So, I went to work today.  It went by pretty fast, and tomorrow we are closed for Good Friday.  The Missionaries were here tonight, and Mike came with them.  He keeps popping up wherever I go, not that I mind...  Yesterday, I did pretty much nothing but sleep.  It was good and bad.  Good because I needed it, and bad because I kept waking up from my soar throat.  So, now, I go back to watching ER.  Maybe someone will have a soar throat, and one of the doctors will have a miracle cure. <IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15><IMG height=15 src="" width=15></P> <P>This alblum is all I've listened to for the last week...</P>]]> </content:encoded> <wp:post_date>2005-03-24 22:25:58</wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt>2005-03-25 03:25:58</wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status> <wp:status>Publish</wp:status> <wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type> <wp:original_xanga_id>228645614</wp:original_xanga_id> </item> </channel> </rss> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Pechin6</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2017-01-02T08:44:00-08:00'>8:44 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-439241841'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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